
Peculiarities of the Present Stage of Realizing the Strategy of Import Substitution in the Agro-food Complex

Introduction. Strategic management of competitiveness is especially actual in the conditions of globalization, uncertainty of environment, changing the conjuncture of the world food market. The paper explores the conditions and factors of the present stage of import substitution in the agro-food complex.

Theoretical analysis. The paper shows the results and areas of studying the strategy of import substitution in the agro-food complex, the mechanisms of its support, and substantiates the short-term and long-term priorities. 

Results. Scientifically grounded are the prospects of realizing the strategy of competitive import substitution with the usage of methods of inter- branch management of the agro-industrial complex. The calculations of the full import capacity of production have been made. The monitoring of competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex and the data of expert survey have revealed the preferences and priorities of producers in the conditions of reciprocal Russian sanctions.