reproduction of capital

The Essential Characteristics of Intellectually-information Capital

Modern stage of development of the economy suggests that in all spheres of human activity information and knowledge form the new «specific» resource – intellectual-information capital, which in conjunction with the high-quality labor force, is the source of productivity growth and competitiveness, both at the micro and macro level. Methods. Development of methodology of research of intellectualinformational capital involves the application of methods of complex and system approach, reflecting the multi-level analysis of the investigated object. In particular, it is proposed consideration of problems of formation of the intellectual-information capital at the individual and corporate levels. Results. Intellectual and information-in capital represents the complex of regenerative in the process of accumulation of knowledge information resources, with consumer and commercial value, acting simultaneously as capitalized stock and flow, generating in the process of its involvement in the economic turnover of income subject of economic activity. The ability of the economy to effective reproduction of intellectual-information capital is determined primarily by the increase of the educational-qualification level of labour resources, growth of investment expenditures, allocated for these purposes, the creation of professional and social conditions for realization of creative potential, including the adequacy of income of the individual is required to maintain reproduction processes on this level. The decisive factor in the reproduction of the corporate intellectual-information capital is the formation of the quality management system of the enterprise (organization) focused on the development of specific forms, the application of technologies of work with knowledge, providing the possibility of combining the accumulated companies practices and technologies.