Saratov Customs
Evaluation of the Customs Authorities on the Basis of the Existing System of Indicators and Suggestions for their Improvement |
Introduction. The strategic objective of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation is to improve the economic security of the Russian Federation, the creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments into the Russian economy, the full revenues of the federal budget, to protect domestic producers, protection of intellectual property and the best interest of the foreign trade activity by improving the quality and effectiveness customs administration. Theoretical analysis. The article benchmarking the effectiveness of customs considered as an important tool by which the Federal Customs Service of Russia carries out the strategic goals. Discussion of results. On the example of the Saratov Customs noted that benchmarking the effectiveness of customs are a tool not only strategic, but also operational management, as well as a means of controlling the activities of the customs authorities of the state. One way to increase the level of control functions, improve the management system of the customs authorities and the country’s economy is to improve the performance benchmarks of the customs authorities and the methodology for evaluating their performance. |
Номер журнала 497 |
The Quality of the Personnel of the Customs Authorities as the Most Important Factor in Ensuring the Quality of Customs Services |
Introduction. Human resources development and the formation of the professional staff of the customs authorities is the basis of ensuring the provision of quality public services. Theoretical analysis. In this article the quality of the personnel is considered as the most important factor shaping the quality of services provided by the customs authorities. Discussion of results. On the example of Saratov Customs we can see that customs makes every effort to organize effective management of processes and resources and maximize the benefits of the knowledge and skills of staff, so that the reduction of staff does not have a significant impact on the quality of customs services in the region of Saratov Customs. Key underpinning for solving these problems are the target indicators of the Customs Development Strategy of Russian Federation until 2020. |
Номер журнала 497 |