
Capabilities of reloading equipment identification by traces on reloaded cases

Introduction. In connection with legalization of autonomous cartridges loading to the rifl ed fi rearm, the matter of forensic examination of reloaded cases is growing more urgent. Aims and tasks. To examine the regularities of trace formation made by the reloading equipment on reloaded cases in order to identify the method of making cartridges, whose parts they have originally been, and to establish the fact of reloading by means of the same production mechanisms. Experimental part. Examination of the traces formed in the course of a shot and reloading was carried out with hunter’s .300 win mag caliber cartridge cases ejected from .300 win mag caliber Sauer 202 carbine. The following reloading equipment was used: manual threaded (single-stage and turret) presses produced by Neck, threaded molding matrices produced by Redding. Discussion of results. Reloading equipment is considered as a production mechanism depositing traces on the surface of the reloaded cases. In the case of identifi cation (selecting a group of objects from a multitude, determining their group belonging) the structural features of their cutting surfaces, their traces being imprinted on the processed parts, are studied. As a whole, they are suitable for identifying the instrument that formed them. Defects in trace-forming objects (matrices, shellhorder, etc.) can also be seen in the traces on the cases as subclass features. These features can be taken into account in the comparative study of cases to establish the fact of reloading using the same production mechanisms.

Regularities of Traces Formation on the Reloaded Cases During the Discharge of a Firearm

Introduction. In connection with legalization of autonomous cartridges loading to the rifled firearm, the matter of forensic examination of reloaded cases is growing more urgent. Objectives. The research is aimed at studying the regularities of trace formation on the reloaded cases during the shot from the firearm in order to diagnose the technique of cartridges producing, these cases being the cartridges parts. Experimental part. Examining the traces formed in the course of a shot and reloading was carried out with hunter’s .300 win mag caliber cartridge cases ejected from .300 win mag caliber Sauer 202 carbine. Discussion of results. There are already some traces on the surface of reloaded cases formed by the reloading equipment. This is their specific feature. During the shot, the firearm traces are deposited on them. The form and isolation of traces of reloading equipment and parts of the firearm are similar because the mechanism of their formation is analogous. They are formed during the process of local physical action either as the pressure of a trace forming object or its sliding. The traces on the shoulder and liner flange of cases are the most informative ones. Differentiation of these traces, understanding of the regularities of their formation are necessary for ascertaining the fact of cases reloading. The traces of equipment prove the homemade technique of cartridges making, the examined reloaded cases being their parts.