social control

Features of Constitutional and Legal Regulation of Public Control in the Soviet System of Public Administration

The article of E.V.  Berdnikova  is devoted to the historical analysis of features  of a constitutional and legal regulation of public control in the Soviet system of public administration.  Object.  The main object  of the work is to study the specificity of social control as  the constitutional and legal institute of the Soviet legal system.  Results.  The author analyzes  the regulatory  framework, which laid the basis for the organization of the system  of public control over the activities  of public authorities in Soviet Russia. The paper shows that social control is only  a tool, which the Soviet government skilfully used  in  the ideological and organizational  direction,  turning it against  unwanted new mode of social subjects, forming the basis for the so-called principle of democratic centralism, a closed  totalitarian system of government decision-making.  Conclusions.  In the conclusion the author deduces about the feature of the formation of people’s  control of the USSR, their functioning and accountability  predetermined by the fact  that the mechanism  of social control was offset by a control state. When the external effect  of a democratic socialist system of public  control of the workers are not given the role of managers but the managed. The formality of the idea  of Soviet democracy  Deterministic practical essence of people’s  control as  one of the activities  of the legislature.

The Types of Legal Regulation of Public Control in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the legal regulation of certain types of social control in the Russian Federation.

Purpose. The main objective of the work is to study the legal basis for the classification of public control depending on the scope of its implementation and to identify problematic aspects of allocation of the individual species.

Results. The author analyzes the Russian regulatory framework governing the peculiarities of social control, the basic problem of the legal classification of the activity, depending on the scope of its implementation. The analysis of the ratio of regulatory foundations of social control and the real diversity of legislation in this area. Adoption of the law, securing the foundations of social control in Russia has given rise to a number of problematic aspects of law within the scope of the implementation of this institution that, as a result, may lead to the formation of conflict situations in the course of its enforcement. There is a need for the regulatory details of individual elements of social control, starting with the definition and ending with its structural and functional component.

Conclusion. The author concludes that public control is universal and covers virtually all areas of public relations. However, the current legislation, fixing the foundations of social control, does not account for this factor, limiting the scope of its implementation and regulation.

Topical Issues of Legal Regulation and Implementation of Parliamentary Control in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article analyzes the peculiarities of legal regulation and the parliamentary control in Russia. Purpose. The main objective of the work is to study the constitutional and legal framework of the organization and functioning of the institute of parliamentary control in Russia, as well as to identify the role and place of this form of control in the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and the fight against corruption. Results. Analyze the Russian regulatory framework governing the particular parliamentary oversight activities, implementation of the basic problems of the institution. It is shown that the effective implementation of parliamentary control must be more precise legislative regulation of the mechanism of its operation. The adoption of a special law, marked the legal basis of the parliamentary control activity, it does not solve all problems arising in the implementation of this institution. There is a need for the regulatory details of individual elements of parliamentary control, starting with the definition and ending with its structural and functional component. Conclusion. Concludes that parliamentary control should be implemented at all levels of government. This thesis suggests amendments to the Federal law of 07.05.2013 № 77-FZ «On the parliamentary control» in terms of more regulation as the subjects of parliamentary control of the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation. The paper lays particular emphasis on the need for a combination of forms of parliamentary and public scrutiny as a prerequisite for improving the implementation of the parliamentary control activity.

The Role of Public Control to Ensure Democratic Elections in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article analyzes the features of international and constitutional legal regulation of public control over elections. Object. The main object of this paper is to study Russian and international legal acts that perpetuate public control over the electoral process as a necessary element of the organization and conduction of democratic elections and genuine. Results. The author analyzes the Russian and international legal framework regulating features of the organization and conduction of public control in the electoral process. It is shown that the effective functioning of the public authorities need to exercise social control at the time of their formation. The main condition for the realization of free and democratic elections is to use at all stages of the electoral process, a control mechanism. Conclusion. The author concludes that in international legal acts openness and public control act as an essential condition for democratic elections. Domestic legal system accepted the conditions of the most important international legal approach , institutionalized and putting into practice the basic forms of social control mechanism at all stages of the electoral process. In recent years, Russia had made serious steps to ensure public control over elections, including the establishment of the necessary legal framework. However, it is necessary to develop and adopt a separate law that secures the basic principles and forms of public oversight of elections in Russia.