socio-economic development

Statistical analysis of housing availability in Russian regions

Introduction. Social living conditions and related problems are one of the key indicators of the level and pace of the socio-economic development of modern society. The Russians’ standard of living is constantly on the agenda of the academic community and the Government of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the study of the state and prospects for the development of key indicators characterizing the well-being of the population is one of the main tasks of economy. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of this study is statistical analysis and identification of the socio-economic indicators influence degree on the provision of housing for the country’s population. To achieve this goal, we used such statistical tools as tabular and graphical, coefficient, grouping method and correlation-regression analysis. Empirical analysis. The methodological approach to the statistical analysis of the population’s provision with housing corresponds to three stages of statistical research and includes formation of a system of indicators, collection and processing of actual material in spatial and time sections, as well as formation of conclusions regarding the patterns of development of the phenomenon under consideration. Results. As a result of the study, the following patterns were established: despite the population’s low standard of living and periodic shock impacts on Russian economy, the level of housing provision for the population for the period 1990–2021 is continuously increasing; the highest level of housing provision is observed in the most densely populated regions of the country, which are part of the Central Federal District and the Volga Federal District; the largest influence on the variation of the population’s provision of housing is exerted by general economic indicators, namely the level of employment and the positive dynamics of the industrial production index. The results of the study can be used to make decisions regarding the improvement of the population’s standard of living in constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Interregional Disproportions of Socio-Economic Development as Seen Through the Prism of Basic Theories of Regional Economy

Introduction. The socio-economic development of Russia is characterized by the presence of inter-regional imbalances that lead to the destabilization of a single economic space, crisis phenomena and economic losses. Theoretical analysis. The article outlines the main ideas of some basic theories of the regional economy in terms of substantiating inter-regional disparities in socio-economic development. It is shown that these theories should underlie the understanding of a natural, insurmountable factor of disproportions of territorial development and social inequality existence, which is associated with competitive advantages, location of economic activity and forms of settlement in the economic space. It is proved that inter-regional disparities in socio-economic development lead to inefficient use of economic space and the formation of local markets in regions characterized by significant differences. Results. Appealing to the theoretical heritage of the regional economy in order to search for objective reasons and identify trends and uneven socio-economic development of regions in modern Russia will allow you to choose the right strategy for managing regional development and minimize the negative effects of interregional differentiation.