
Statistical Analysis of the Cost of Quality in the Organization

Introduction. Statistical analysis of the cost of quality is one of the most important elements of cost management in the organization, as well as necessary in the construction of a quality system in accordance with ISO 9000 quality costs include all costs associated with quality,
and are divided into two general group – costs caused by inconsistencies inconsistencies, and the costs of prevention and detection of inconsistencies. Theoretical analysis. In the statistical literature is often used index method to identify individual factors on the overall result. In the statistical literature under the subindex refers to the average index. With the subindexes can estimate the extent to which the overall index due to the influence of the dynamics of costs for each cost element. The main feature of subindex analysis is that it allows you to reconcile the analysis of changes in the dynamics of individual indicators and the entire population as a whole, as well as its structural changes. Results of study. Analysis of quality costs dynamics revealed that the increase in costs on the quality of the organization influenced primarily warning costs. The greatest impact on cost increases in the dynamics of the quality of the Saratov storage tank construction works in 2014 had four components: the cost of audits ( internal and external) quality management system, to carry out production design work training in the field of quality; costs of organizing the input control. This confirms the existing policy of the organization, which is aimed primarily at compliance with international and Russian standards, as well as to prevent the marriage.