судебная власть

Activity of Qualifying Boards of Judges as Bodies of Judicial Community with Participation of Representatives of the Public

Article is devoted consideration of such form of participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in judicial authority activity as representation in qualifying boards of judges. The author analyzes legal regulation, dynamics of powers and practical activities of the given bodies of judicial community from a position of maintenance of the constitutional principle of publicity and public participation.

Content and forms of participation of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in lawmaking

Introduction. The judicial constitutional review authorities ensure the supremacy and direct application of the constitutions. They also participates in lawmaking activities. Constitutional review authorities can participate in lawmaking activities directly or circumstantially. There are two kinds of the direct participation of such authorities in lawmaking activities: legislative initiative and participation in lawmaking activities in connection with the implementation of the constitutional review. The methodology of research is based on general scientific and special legal research methods. Theoretical analysis. Some authors note that the decisions of the constitutional review authorities can modify conditions of public life. Authors often emphasize that court decisions that rules certain norms as unconstitutional have the same goals as statutory acts. Empirical analysis. Constitutional courts administer a special kind of lawmaking, such as “positive”, “negative”, “adjusting” and “interpretative” lawmaking. “Positive” lawmaking is connected with the adoption of statutory acts, which regulate the activities of the constitutional courts. “Negative” lawmaking consists in ruling certain legal norms and sources of law unconstitutional and making them void. By means of “adjusting” lawmaking constitutional courts do not rule the norms as completely unconstitutional, but constitutionally interpret them. “Interpretative” lawmaking consists in clarifying legal norms of constitutions. The constitutional review authorities may also provide recommendations to the legislative authorities. Results. The constitutional review authorities can directly participate in lawmaking activities as a legislative initiative or in connection with the implementation of the constitutional control as “positive”, “negative”, “adjusting” and “interpretative” lawmaking. Circumstantial participation of such authorities in lawmaking activities is administered by adopting special messages.

Judiciary and Constitutional Balance

Introduction. The article analyzes the prerequisites for changing the Constitution of the Russian Federation existing in the system of Russian law. For Russia, having a quarter-century legislative experience under conditions of democratic socio-political relations and a market economy, the issue of assessing the potential of the current edition of the Constitution is extremely relevant. Theoretical analysis. An important vectorial principle in the Constitution of the Russian Federation is its focus on the human rights, ensuring rights and freedoms of people. This constitutional principle is implemented by endowing each of the branches of power with an equal amount of authority and responsibility to participate in public administration. Empirical analysis. We proved that the most common cause of imbalance in the system of checks and balances is the changes in society itself. The individual signs of the existing imbalance between the branches of power are considered. Conclutions. We highlighted the lack of objective grounds for reviewing the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation or the adoption of its new version. At the same time, the possibility of making separate, point-wise amendments to the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regarding the powers of the branches of state power is considered.

The Restrictions and the Bans Connected with Implementation of Powers of the Judge

Introduction. In article the requirements to judges and also to candidates for the judge’s position provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation are considered. Similar requirements inherently represent the system of restrictions of constitutional rights of the person and citizen. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of the current legislation allows to draw a conclusion that requirements imposed to the judge represent the bans connected with acquisition of legal status of the judge, and requirements imposed to candidates for the judge’s position – restrictions. Empirical analysis consisting in the analysis law-enforcement and, in particular, jurisprudence has allowed to draw a conclusion that restrictions have to extend not only to candidates for judges, but also to effective judges and also judges in resignation. In other words, not observance of restrictions has to be considered not only as the basis for refusal in appointment to the post, but also as the basis of dismissal of the judge. Results. The conducted research allows to draw a conclusion, on need to enter into the Law on the status of judges the standard terms of restriction and the bans in the legislation on anti-corruption connected with implementation of certain types of public professional activity.

Some Aspects of the Implementation of Lawmaking Policy in Civil Proceedings

Introduction. At present Russian Federation formed enough quality legislation. However, legal framework under constant updates. Therefore, the creation of legal conditions for securing legislative strategy is the aim of lawmaking policy, under which it is possible to understand the science-based, consistent and systemic activity of the state and nonstate structures aimed at determining the strategy and tactics of lawmaking, the creation of necessary conditions for effective lawmaking work etc. Methods. Methodological basis of research supports internally interconnected complex methods of cognition: systematic and structural, functional, logical, and apply legalistic, deductive method of investigation and materialist dialectics. Results. Lawmaking policy plays an important role in the formation of civil proceedings. The perspective of civil litigation may come just because of the concept of law-making policies that will contribute to eliminate the significant deficiencies in existing legal acts and intro- duce new features to improve how civil justice and justice in general. Conclutions. The author believes that the law-making policy in civil proceedings will provide a guarantee of quality protection of violated rights and freedoms of subjects.