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Empirical study of morphological signs of traces of gunshots with shot poly projectile on woven materials |
Introduction. The theory of forensic examination highlights that an effective study of traces at the scene of an incident is possible only with a comprehensive study of all types of traces. Therefore, to objectively assess the circumstances in the conditions of detecting traces of fi rearms, one should apply an integrated approach to the method of working with traces and use methods of examination of substances, materials and products, alongside ballistic methods. Methods. The success of the investigation of a specifi c event largely depends on the objective establishment of the circumstances under which the shot was fi red, which can be done as a result of an integrated approach to the research process and experimental research. Empirical analysis. The experiment was carried out in an open area. Experimental shooting was carried out on four types of fabrics most demanded by the garment industry: knitwear, polyester, woolen fabric, denim from a distance of 5, 10, 15 meters. The shots were fi red from IZH18E 12-gauge smooth-bore hunting fi rearm, using a shot poly shell (shot with the number 0000 diameter – 5 mm). A total of 28 shots were fi red – 7 shots at each type of fabric. Results. In the course of the studies carried out on woven materials, the author identifi ed a number of morphological features that had not previously been noted by researchers and that help to display the situation at the scene of the incident with a higher degree of reliability and facilitate further expert research. The change in organoleptic and morphological characteristics on various types of tissues is analyzed depending on their physical and mechanical properties, color, structure and distance from which the shot was fi red. Conclusion. The article is devoted to the analysis of morphological features that occur when shooting from a smoothbore hunting rifl e on various types of woven materials with a shotgun from diff erent distances. It is assumed that as a result of the study, data on the model of the weapon used, the type of cartridge, the direction and distance of the shot can be established. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |