топливно-энергетический комплекс

The Investment Climate in Russia and Its Impact on the Investment Activities of Companies of the Fuel and Energy Industry

 More than 10 years the Government of the Russian Federation has addressed the issue of improving the investment climate. Inspite of it, the investment climate in the country remains poor, and the rating of investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation has a negative trend. Theoretical analysis. Investment activity of energy companies is associated with many problems associated with both the organization and planning of the process within the organization and the interaction with all external involved actors, including the issues of required attracting external funding. Results. Measures to encourage foreign direct investment do not have a practical nature and do not solve the basic problems: corruption, poor infrastructure, lack of tax benefits, and political risks. Against this background, taking into account the increased political risk in oil and gas projects with the participation of foreign capital is negligible. Rating of investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation has a negative trend. Conclusions. At the moment, the measures taken by the Russian government to improve the investment climate do not lead to the desired results. This trend is related to the lack of actual change in support of investment processes, as well as the lack of an integrated program to stimulate foreign direct investment. As the professional environment responds only the specific facts supporting the changes, foreign direct investment has not changed. Under such conditions the public investment are particularly important. The effectiveness of public investment becomes the determining factor in the development of the economy in the current decade.

The Influence of Fuel and Energy Complex on the Competitiveness of the Russian Economy

Introduction. In the modern realities of improving competitiveness is one of the primary tasks of the state. Further development of our economy involves the use and improving the efficiency of the leading industries. Primarily, this includes fuel-energy complex (FEC), which was and remains the foundation of the national economy. Theoretical analysis. Analysis of the research is based on the theoretical frame- work developed by Russian and foreign scientists, to show the necessity of development of fuel and energy and its effect on increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy. Results of the study. Was shown to influence the dynamics of the complex on the economy, a significant share in exports and tax revenues, as well as a share of GDP showed an increasing dependence of the development of the country and its competitiveness from the complex. Conclusions. There are many ways to increase the country’s competitiveness, but at the moment exploitation FEC sectors is one of the most efficient and effective. Undoubtedly, the depletion can lead to rapid displacement of the industry in the economic hierarchy, but it speaks only of the fact that the need to increase investment and the creation of innovative enterprises in the complex. In general, should not be a direct relationship to the development of the competitiveness of the country’s one industry.