tort legislation

Legal Regulation of Establishment of Administrative Responsibility by Territorial Subjects of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The administrative responsibility, which is traditionally in the center of attention of administrative and legal science in modern conditions, acts as the universal mechanism protecting law and order and the public relations in various spheres of public and state life. Discussion. Laws on administrative responsibility are an integral part of the legislation of a territorial subject of the Russian Federation and provide implementation of those rules which are established at the regional level. The problem of differentiation of powers of the Russian Federation and territorial subjects of the federation in the sphere of establishment of administrative responsibility remains debatable as there is still no consensus on the matter among scientists. Results. At its present stage of development, the regional legislation on administrative responsibility is not deprived of a number of the problems that have to be solved. One of these issues is a lack of uniformity of the legislation on administrative responsibility of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. The prospects of development of regional laws on administrative responsibility are likely to be connected with the fact that law-enforcement practice will promote transformation of a number of their norms into standards of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences at its updating.