Some issues of evaluating the influence of silent shooting devices on the formation of traces on fi red bullets and fi red cases |
Introduction. The growing number of military and civilian models of firearms equipped with muzzle devices actualizes the expert diagnostics of the facts of using silent shooting devices during committing crimes by their traces on the fi red bullets and fi red cases. Theoretical analysis. Science has identifi ed a number of regularities of the eff ect of silent shooting devices on the mechanism of formation and characteristics of traces on bullets and cartridge cases. Among them are the abrasion and smoothing of traces of the barrel bore on bullets, the formation of traces of the body of homemade silent shooting devices when they are misaligned with the barrel bore, the malfunction of the weapon’s automation, which excludes the possibility of displaying traces of the refl ector and the ejection port on the cartridge cases. Empirical analysis. In order to identify new regularities of infl uence of silent shooting devices on the formation of traces on bullets and cartridge cases, a model scientifi c experiment was conducted. Experimental shooting was conducted from .366 TKM smoothbore rifl es models VPO-209 (Paradox) and AK-366 (Lancaster). The PBS-1 with a rubber obturator of a strong degree of wear was used as a silent shooting device. Cartridges of two types were equipped with lead bullets in a polymer shell, gunpowder “Sunar 7.62” and “Falcon”. Results. It is determined that lead bullets of cartridges undergo characteristic deformation when passing the rubber obturator of the silent shooting device. The body of the bullets stretches and bends, in some cases takes a spindle shape. Cases of partial destruction of bullets have been noted. It is proved that the smoothing of the relief of the traces of the barrel bore, characteristic of the contact interaction of a bullet with a rubber obturator, as well as the additional formation of obturator traces on the bullets do not prevent the identifi cation of fi rearms. Conclusions. The identifi ed regularities expand the possibilities of forensic ballistic examination in determining the facts of the use of silent shooting devices while committing crimes. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |