trade formats

Key Strategies for Retail Chains Today

Introduction. At present, the functioning of the Russian trade networks that implement food products, significantly complicated by the negative impact of the food embargo, inflation and the weake- ning of the ruble. Changing environmental factors and increased competition in the food market have a significant impact on the previously established logistics system of goods retail chains, which will require substantial transformation. Empirical analysis. The article discusses possible strategies for the development of retail chains and features of management at this stage in order to overcome the situation. In the coming years, large retail chains will reduce costs by optimizing the assortment and logistics, actively cooperate with new suppliers, to develop the format «shop at home» and «Express-Retail», continuing to open new stores at the free trade area, to develop their own production. For smaller retail chains most preferred strategy is to integrate. Results. Integration of small retail chains at the present stage is one of the most profitable strategies that will produce the transformation of logistics systems and supply chains in order to optimize them according to the selected format and minimizing costs, reorganize infrastructure and retail outlets, adjust range retail outlets, significantly reduce the proportion of imported products, they find an alternative replacement and rebuild relationships with suppliers and reduce the cost of managing a sales network due to its centralization.