
Property and non-property risks in the Russian corporate governance system

Introduction. Corporations today are the basis of any state’s economy, and within the framework of corporate governance, key strategic decisions are made that determine the fate of corporations. Accordingly, the problem of corporate governance risk management is one of the key economic problems, as it affects the interests of not only the participants of corporate relations, but also a huge number of economic agents. Theoretical analysis. The article presents the views of Russian scientists on the characteristics and classification of corporate governance risks, defines the property and non-property risks of corporate governance, considers the causes of their occurrence, as well as the mechanisms of influence on the corporation, its participants, creditors, public law entities. Also, a distinction is made between the objectively existing normal business risk and the predominantly subjective risks of corporate governance. Empirical analysis. Based on statistical data on bringing controlling persons to subsidiary liability, it is shown that the number of bankruptcies of Russian companies due to the manifestation of corporate governance risks is steadily growing. Results. The author’s typology of corporate governance risks, characterized by their relationship and interdependence is developed. Property and non-property risks of corporate governance are identified, the impact of which on the activities of Russian corporations is currently the most significant. Among them are those to which it is possible to adapt in the modern conditions of doing business. It is concluded that in the process of managing corporate risks based on the use of corporate law institutions existing in Russia and their combinations, it is impossible to nullify completely the occurrence and manifestation of the risks in question. Nevertheless, to ensure the necessary mutual control of the corporate relations subjects, limiting their ability to act in bad faith and unreasonably to the detriment of the company, is quite an achievable task.

Economic Essence of the State Financial Resources

This article describes the theoretical material, the author says, proves illegitimacy of the inclusion of credit in the financial resources of the state. There is reason to believe this is not the result of neglect of owners of loan capital to the provisions of financial and credit of science, and their business interests, which sometimes do not coincide with the interests of the state.

Risks of the Interaction among the Subjects in the Science – Business — State System in the National Economy

Introduction. The process of interaction of economic subjects of the national innovative system proceeds in the conditions of uncertainty at any level. Risks therefore exist. Risk identification and competent risk management are necessary to ensure the stability of economic subjects themselves and the whole system formed as a result of the interaction among these subjects. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of generalization of the existing theoretical researches on the problem of economic risks, the paper differentiates such concepts as risk and uncertainty, systematizes economic risks, and provides the author’s treatment of the “risk of interaction” category. Discussion. The result of the research conducted is identification of most topical and significant (for the modern economy) risks of interaction among main actors of the national innovative system (science, business, and the state). Among which, the development rate loss risk of an economic subject, the risk of economic losses as a lost profit and a half-received income, the risk of unclaimed training courses, the risk of increased budgeted expenses, low rates of the economic growth, and the risk of loss of the stability of a system.

Evaluation and Selection of Options Logistics Development Given the Uncertainty

Introduction. At the moment when, any activity carried out under conditions of risk and systematically growing uncertainty, consideration of alternatives evaluation of logistics systems becomes a priority, which determines the objective necessity of search tools and algorithms implementation process make effective management decisions aimed at the development of the system in line with the target settings. Theoretical analysis. The uncertainty of the environment is manifested in its ability to be in one of a plurality of different states, as determined by destabilizing factors influencing parameters and status logistics system. Posed problems can be solved with the help of game theory, tools which allow you to select options for rational solutions and ways of development that is aimed at the realization of the growth potential of the logistics system and the achievement of its target plants. The criteria by which selected decisions under uncertainty, depends on the degree of uncertainty of information about the environment. Results. The result of the proposed algorithm select the option to develop the logistics system is the choice of the optimal strategy under uncertainty using the criteria of Laplace, Savage, Hurwitz Wald and evaluating various aspects of the effectiveness of management decisions in the most satisfying real conditions.