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The Russian Business Ombudsman Institution

The article considers the status of Business  Ombudsman in Russia. This topic is relevant because it is important for Russia today:  higher rates of the private sector, especially, of the small and medium businesses. In this regard, the hot topic for our country is protecting of businesses, in particular, their economic rights  in  their relations with the state.  Results.  In an article for the study of Business Ombudsman in Russia  apply scientific methods of analysis, synthesis,  method, system approach, the method  of the functional approach,  as well  as  private science methods:  statistic,  legalistic and comparative law.  The study the status of Business  Ombudsman in Russia  showed  that this institution has Constitutional status although it is not registered  in  the text  of Constitution of the Russian Federation.  Conclusion.  The Russian  Business  Ombudsman  Institution  is a new structure in the modeling of relations between the state and business  in the country.  Its activities  are extensive and specific and includes  such powers,  which could not be  implemented effectively in the work of the bodies  provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.