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Management of Innovative Development in the System of Management of the Industrial Enterprise

In recent decades, more and more research addressing the problems of innovative development at the microeconomic level (including level of industrial enterprises). For formation of a corresponding system of management of innovative development of industrial enterprises is necessary to give a description of the essential features of such management, to define its role and place in the overall system of management of the enterprise. Theoretical analysis. By the moment in the field of management of innovative development there is a certain conceptual apparatus that was reviewed and clarified in the article. Revealed the characteristic features of management of innovative development, leading to the need to integrate different types of management in the management process. Methods. Management of innovation development is carried out at the strategic and operational level, which predetermines the synthesis of innovative, strategic and operational management. Also in the management of the innovation development of one of the key roles played by project management (innovative design). Becoming increasingly widespread process approach. Results. The study proposed a scheme for integration of different types and approaches to the management in the process of management of innovative development of industrial enterprises. Conclusions. The developed approach allows increasing the quality of management of innovative development of industrial enterprises.

The System of Strategic Management of Innovation Development of the Furniture Enterprises

Introduction. Some theoretical studies and best practices proven that the effectiveness of innovative development of industrial enterprises (including furniture) largely depends on how the management of such development is synthesized with the strategic management, it inter- acts with the system. This is due to the fact that in modern conditions first of all innovations must determine the strategic direction of the company. Theoretical analysis. To the present time in a number of studies have shown the mechanism for the integration of innovation and strategic management, describes the innovative strategies of enterprises, their relationship with other strategies described elements of the system of management of innovative development and the associated control mechanism. A Systematic approach to the management of innovative development of the enterprise, which is one of the key involves including the establishment of an integrated management system that includes both strategic and operational circuits, and based on the methodology of management of innovative development. Results. In the study made some contribution to the formation of a comprehensive scientific understanding of the system of management of innovative development of the company the furniture industry. The developed approach allows us to systematically organize the strategic management of innovative development of industrial enterprises.