венчурное инвестирование инновационной деятельности
Use of the Venture Capital for Investment of Innovative Activity in the Mechanical Engineering›s Enterprises |
Basis of industrial power of the state is the mechanical engineering which level of development defines the general technological level of economy. In modern conditions the venture capital becomes one of the most effective sources of investment of innovative activity of the enterprises of mechanical engineering. Theoretical analysis. Present condition of branch of mechanical engineering in Russia was analysed in the article. The concept of the venture capital and its special role of investment in innovative activity for enterprises of mechanical engineering reveals and specified. Research of a current state and level of development of the venture industry in Russia was conducted. The special role of the venture capital as source of investment resources for the mechanical engineering enterprises was proved. Conclutions. Conclusions and methodical recommendations of some authors are given in this article, goal of this are activization and increase of efficiency of the venture capital used for investment in the innovative activity of the mechanical engineering’s enterprises. The actions promoting development and technological updating of the enterprises of mechanical engineering in Russia are formulated and offered. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |