внешнеторговая политика
Priorities and Mechanisms for Managing the Interbranch Structure of the Agri-Food Complex |
Introduction. In managing the competitive advantages of the agri-food complex, the study of the structural modernization of the agri-food complex on the basis of taking into account the levels of risks and the uncertainties of the economic situation that determine the possible boundaries of the use of regulatory measures is of particular importance. An interdisciplinary approach to the analysis and prediction of the structure of the complex opens up new possibilities for research, taking into account the relationships and interactions of all its elements. Theoretical analysis. The quality of the economic dynamics of the complex and its compliance with the long-term development goals of the Russian economy are evaluated. Trends in the interbranch structure, and priorities of state support have been revealed. Empirical analysis. The results of import substitution in the agri-food complex have been analyzed. The factors and structure of its growth have been revealed. The interbranch structure of the participation of various stages of its product chains in the production of total value added has been estimated. The stability of the local production systems of the complex has been characterized. Consumption growth is considered as an independent driver of the economic growth of the complex. The influence of the dynamics and structural parameters of investments has been analyzed. Results. It has been proved that structural balance largely determines the competitive stability of the development of the agri-food complex as a diversified system. Based on the interbranch analysis, new directions of development of the structure of the complex have been identified, directions of its state support have been clarified. Priorities of the foreign trade policy of the complex have been determined. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4 |