
Constitutional Law of Military Servicemen for Housing: Questions of Legal Regulation and Implementation

Introduction. Military personnel belongs to the category of citizens to whom granting premises by the state is guaranteed. Guarantees of the housing rights of the military personnel are caused by their special status.In this article, the author focuses on the special status of servicemen and the realization of their right to housing. Discussion. Special legal status of the military personnel means legislative restriction of some of their rights and freedoms and also granting additional measures of social support. One of the most significant for the serviceman and members of his family of the social and economic rights can call the right for provision of housing.The examines some aspects of the legal regulation of housing rights of servicemen, examines the specifics of the realization of such rights. Within the framework of this article, the main problems of implementation practice in this area are formulated. Conclusion. The article analyzes the constitutional right of citizens to housing, the specifics of its implementation with regard to servicemen, examines some problems and contradictions in the legal regulation in this sphere.