юридическая легализация

Problems of Legalization of Restrictions of the Private and Public Rights of the Personality

In article theoretical and practical questions of a
materialization of limits of a measure of possible behavior of the
person in legal relationship are discussed. Research is conducted in
the context of private law and public law spheres of life of society.
Eventually, is particularly raised the problem the legal restrictions
legalization of public and private rights of the individual. The essence
of these groups of the rights are characterized by features of their
limitation and ratio with legitimate interests of the person and citizen.
Theoretical analysis. When writing this article it was widely used
dialectical approach and logical methods of analysis and synthesis.
Where the first proved during disclosure of intrinsic characteristics of
the private and public rights of the personality at their differentiated
studying. And the second – at a formulation of natural conclusions
following the results of work. Discussion of the results. Reflected
the need for public and private rights of the individual in the process
of legalization of restrictions on the rights and freedoms derived and
characterized the characteristics of these rights, the criteria for their
separation. Answers to the most problematic issues, in particular are
given: whose rights are subject to legalization of restrictions first of
all; what should be the extent of restrictive influence on them; to what
consequences it can lead.