защита прав

Vectors of development of constitutional protection of human rights in connection with the progress of genomics

Introduction. In modern conditions of rapid development of genomics, the formation of a database of genetic testing of the Russian population, the legislative framework that effectively protects human rights and legitimate interests is only being formed in Russia. Theoretical analysis. Genetic information is of interest not only for a person who has undergone genetic testing, but also for his / her family members, the state in the organization of personalized medicine, employers, insurers, bankers. This situation is associated with violations of the constitutional rights of citizens to personal dignity, privacy, personal and family secrets, and non-discrimination. Empirical analysis. The problems of legal support of the constitutional rights of citizens in connection with the progress of genomics in various fields are revealed: in healthcare, marital, labor, insurance, banking relations, which requires prompt legislative regulation. Results. The vectors of the development of human rights protection in connection with the development of genomics are substantiated, taking into account the discussion of the most appropriate solutions in the legislation of foreign countries, allowing for a fair balance of interests of the owner of personal genetic information and third parties, with maximum minimization of potential risks of violation of constitutional rights.