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Harlamov A. V., Lysunkina J. V. Statistical Basis of Management Decisions for Improving Innovation Effectiveness in Solving Higher Education Problems. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 413-420. DOI:

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Statistical Basis of Management Decisions for Improving Innovation Effectiveness in Solving Higher Education Problems

Introduction. The article presents some results of the collaborate work of the basic chair of the fundamentals of mathematics and informatics of Saratov State University and the basic organization – the Lyceum of Mathematics and Computer studies for the development of administrative decisions for increasing of training efficiency of experts-mathematicians.

Theoretical analysis. It is assumed that the educational problems arising with first-year students are related to the lack of continuity between the levels of education. This can be caused both by the individual characteristics of the students and by school background specifics.

Empirical analysis. To determine the presence of the problem of education “discontinuities”, the results of entry examinations and three exam periods of the first and second year students were subjected to statistical analysis. To reveal its causes, the results of a questioning of the first-year students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Saratov State University and students of graduation classes of the Lyceum of Mathematics and Computer studies were analyzed by statistical analysis to identify the problems of adaptation of first-year students.

Results. Management decisions and organizational measures taken to eliminate the identified problems associated with the problems of school background are given.


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