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Golub O. Y., Tikhonova S. V. Communication Science VS Information Law: Theoretical Problems of the Application of the Information Approach in the Information Law. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 589-598. DOI:

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Communication Science VS Information Law: Theoretical Problems of the Application of the Information Approach in the Information Law

 In XX century the communication revolution have radically changed the communication space. Humanitarian science has formed its scientific model with difficulty and has spawned a new field interdisciplinary research – communication science. Legal science selected its own way of Internet research. If communication science focuses on consideration of the social aspects of the Internet, legal science is oriented to fixation of product specification Internet. Both of them have chosen source a classic informational approach. Discussion. In the information law uses the informational approach. It accentuates the category of information, leaving without attention the genus and species attributes of the processes of the communication, its structure and composition communicants. The logic of separation of the industry of information law in this methodological riverbed is based on singling out a special sphere of social space - information sphere. It unfolds information public relations, i.e. public relation, the object of which is information. However, this approach actualizes the problem of demarcation of information and noninformation public relations. It does not take into account the specifics of technically mediated relations, which are typical for the information society. Conclusion. The authors hope that the confrontation of communication and information approach in the theory of information law given place to the new methodological synthesis.

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