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Trubitsina T. I. Theoretical Basis of Research Infrastructure Forms in the Economy. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 249-254. DOI:

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Theoretical Basis of Research Infrastructure Forms in the Economy

In practice it is important to study the interaction of forms of infrastructure in the economy, since this interaction there are new features infrastructures themselves, their impact on the economy. The article examines the theoretical approaches to the study of the forms of existence of infrastructure in the economy. Theoretical analysis. Infrastructure as a concept of economic science is a set of economic practices, serving all kinds of economic relations and create conditions for normal life companies, state, household population. Discussion of results. The most important conditions for the development of infrastructure in the region are: the competition between enterprises infrastructure for the ruble consumer services, competition between enterprises infrastructures for the possibility of extending its influence to other regions as a way to inter-regional competition for opportunities to diversify business infrastructure in the region and in other regions, for their suggestions services at the interregional market. Conclusions. In the region of infrastructure exists at different levels of management: infrastructure households, infrastructure companies in the region as a whole, the infrastructure of inter-regional level, the federation, because the infrastructure is determined by the economic structure, which it serves, expresses the relationship of creating favorable conditions for the different levels of management in the region . Interaction infrastructure being available synergies, affecting both the livelihoods of people in the region, and on the activities of manufacturing units in the region: there are cooperative forms of co-existence of infrastructure in the region, a single form of infrastructure.

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