Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3(1) File downloaded: 205 times.The number of page views: 297 132013 №3часть 1Full Text (PDF): 31-2013_ekonomika.indd_.pdf Content Economic Trubitsina T. I. Theoretical Basis of Research Infrastructure Forms in the Economy [PDF] 249 Rodionova L. A. СЧАСТЛИВ ЛИ РУССКИЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК? [PDF] 254 Maslov D. G. ЦЕНОВАЯ ЛОВУШКА НЕЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ РЫНКА ПРИРОДНЫХ БЛАГ [PDF] 261 Vavilina A. V., Manakhova I. V., Ogurtsova E. V. Finance for the Social State [PDF] 267 Cheremisinov G. A., Gritsak L. Е. Theoretical and Methodological Modelling Based on the Major Cycles Concept of by N. D. Kondratyev: Problem Statement [PDF] 278 Gusev V. I. The State Stimulation of Investments on Securities Market [PDF] 284 Pugachev I. O. Specifics of the Russian Model of the State Entrepreneurship [PDF] 289 Korotina V. L., Zhverantseva M. S., Karimova E. R. РАЗВИТИЕ ПРОЦЕССОВ ЕВРАЗИЙСКОЙ ИНТЕГРАЦИИ ПОД ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЕМ НАЛОГОВЫХ МЕХАНИЗМОВ [PDF] 294 Management Sankov V. G., Golubeva S. S., Stepanov S. S. Information Factor of Supply Chains Reliability in the Machine-building Industry [PDF] 300 Voronina N. A., Novoselova M. A. Methods of Government Development of Services [PDF] 306 Rakhmanina I. A., Chistopolskaya E. V. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Logistics System Research [PDF] 310 Pashnyuk L. О., Mikityuk О. P. Problems and Perspectives of Innovative-technological Development of the Food Industry of Ukraine [PDF] 316 Golubnichenko M. V. The Role of National Research Universities in Innovative Development of Regions [PDF] 321 Sereda V. I., Andreyuk N. V. Modern Trends of Protectionism in Regulation of International Trade [PDF] 327 Airieva A. N. Strategies to Improve the State Russian Investment Policy [PDF] 334 Derunova E. A., Firsova A. A. Study of Consumer Behavior in the Selection of High-tech Products at the Regional Level [PDF] 342 Law Ilynyak А. А. Competition for International and National Labor Law as One of the Factors of Decent Work [PDF] 348 Tikhonova S. V. Internet in the Objective Field of Legal Science: Problems of Theory [PDF] 352 Potapenko E. G. Complex Institutions in the Law System of the Russian Federation [PDF] 357 Kruzhalova A. V. Theoretical and Practical Issues of the Hearing with Videoconferencing Systems [PDF] 362