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Krasilnikov O. Y., Krasilnikova E. V. The Problems of Integration of the Internet Economy of Russia in the System of World Economy. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 139-144. DOI:

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The Problems of Integration of the Internet Economy of Russia in the System of World Economy

Introduction. The article is aimed at the revealing of positive and negative sides of the integration of Internet-economy of Russia into the world economy system. The tasks of the article are: consideration of risks of economic globalization which acquires a new quality due to the introduction of Internet technologies, and studying the phenomenon of informational inequality of individual countries and regions. Theoretical analysis. The factors of the positive impact of Internet technologies on the world economy globalization are: permanent reduction in value of information transfer; increase of efficiency of production processes; labour productivity increase; ensuring of better living standards of the population. A significant danger in the path of the world economy globalization based on Internet technologies introduction is an information inequality of individual countries and regions, which promotes the growth of the economic asymmetry between them. Results. Russia is still significantly behind Western countries in the sphere of information technologies development. Russia as raw material producing country with the corresponding economic structure is forced to stay on the path so-called «catching up development». In the phase of the structural crisis it is necessary to finance the new technological structures priority development from the funds of natural rent. Russian economy needs a decisive turn from raw materials producing to innovative economy. Information society establishment requires the significant increase of the role of government regulation. In modern conditions the strategy of accelerated development of the Internet economy, the formation of an appropriate infrastructure and adequate institutions becomes its most important task.

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