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Goryacheva Т. V., Myzrova O. A. The role and place of technological sovereignty in ensuring the Russian economy sustainability. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 134-145. DOI:

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The role and place of technological sovereignty in ensuring the Russian economy sustainability

Introduction. The peculiarity of the current period development determined the need to change the vector, format and scale of the structural transformation of the Russian economy. This necessitated the need for domestic development only on the basis of achieving technological sovereignty as the main factor of economic growth and a condition of national security. It is revealed that one of the reasons for the low level of its achievement is the low innovative activity of organizations and a small proportion of organizations creating technological innovations and developments in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the place and role of technological sovereignty in increasing national independence. Various approaches to understanding the essence of technological sovereignty are considered. A retrospective analysis of the “technological sovereignty” category formation is carried out, its priority over the policy of import substitution is proved. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the organizations’ innovative activity indicators dynamics by subjects of the Russian Federation and by types of economic activity, as well as the dynamics of the share of organizations in the total number of surveyed organizations of the Russian Federation engaged in technological innovations is carried out. The results allowed to make a conclusion about the negative trend of most of the indicators’ values. The obtained results confirmed the need to revise the vector of domestic economy development, the research activities activation as the main factor of ensuring technological sovereignty. Results. The result of the study is the identification and systematization of priority areas and measures to ensure technological sovereignty. The specific characteristics of the sovereignties influencing the achievement of universal sovereignty based on the construction of a sovereign economy model are shown. Based on theoretical and empirical analysis, assumptions are made about the different sovereignties level of development in the Russian Federation.

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