economic development

The role and place of technological sovereignty in ensuring the Russian economy sustainability

Introduction. The peculiarity of the current period development determined the need to change the vector, format and scale of the structural transformation of the Russian economy. This necessitated the need for domestic development only on the basis of achieving technological sovereignty as the main factor of economic growth and a condition of national security. It is revealed that one of the reasons for the low level of its achievement is the low innovative activity of organizations and a small proportion of organizations creating technological innovations and developments in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the place and role of technological sovereignty in increasing national independence. Various approaches to understanding the essence of technological sovereignty are considered. A retrospective analysis of the “technological sovereignty” category formation is carried out, its priority over the policy of import substitution is proved. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the organizations’ innovative activity indicators dynamics by subjects of the Russian Federation and by types of economic activity, as well as the dynamics of the share of organizations in the total number of surveyed organizations of the Russian Federation engaged in technological innovations is carried out. The results allowed to make a conclusion about the negative trend of most of the indicators’ values. The obtained results confirmed the need to revise the vector of domestic economy development, the research activities activation as the main factor of ensuring technological sovereignty. Results. The result of the study is the identification and systematization of priority areas and measures to ensure technological sovereignty. The specific characteristics of the sovereignties influencing the achievement of universal sovereignty based on the construction of a sovereign economy model are shown. Based on theoretical and empirical analysis, assumptions are made about the different sovereignties level of development in the Russian Federation.

The theory of economic development: Evolution of approaches and modern paradigm

Introduction. The relevance of scholarly justification of approaches to economic development is caused by the insufficient study of the economic development phenomenon, its nature and qualitative characteristics of the factors influencing the implementation of qualitative structural changes in the economy of the country. Theoretical analysis. The article summarizes the evolution of economic thought and historical transformation of attitudes concerning the study of economic development. Scientific approaches and studies of leading foreign and domestic scholars, which constituted the theoretical and methodological basis of the economic development theory, are consistently presented. The tendencies that served the modern theories of economic development formation are considered. Empirical analysis. Based on statistical data analysis the difference between the categories of «economic growth» and «economic development» is justified. The concept of economic complexity as a phenomenon that contributes to the qualitative transformation of the economic development factors is considered. The dynamics of the economic complexity index in the Russian Federation is analyzed. Results. The analysis of qualitative changes in the economic development factors in the modern mixed economy is conducted. The relevance of sustainable development theory and the concept of economic complexity application in the study of the economic development of states are demonstrated. The criteria of economic development in modern socio-economic conditions are formulated.

Spatial Analysis of Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities in the Region

Improving the system of indicators for an objective assessment of spatial heterogeneity of socio- economic development of municipalities is the subject of discussion in this article. It is proposed to use the geoinformational system (GIS) and simple and complex ranking cartograms (thematic maps) as a means assessment of spatial socio-economic and natural resource asymmetry in the region. The implementation of geoinformational approach to the evaluation of intra-regional heterogeneity provide an effective system of diagnosis and prediction of competitiveness, sustainability and security of municipal development in the region.

On the issue of forming a university hub in the concept of open innovation

Introduction. A feature of Russian innovative economy development is the need to solve many problems in a limited time frame, which include the accelerated development of domestic production and the market through the introduction of innovative solutions in the context of minimizing external economic threats associated with anti-Russian sanctions from unfriendly countries. The models of innovative activity are considered and their key subjects are identified. It has been revealed that one of the effective mechanisms for achieving the set goals is to accelerate the pace of introduction of intellectual property objects into industry through the transfer of scientific research results to production. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the place and role of universities in strengthening the innovative potential in the field of intellectual property. The analysis of existing state measures aimed at stimulating the development of innovative potential of universities was carried out. Such mechanisms of interuniversity interaction as the concept of open innovations and network university are considered. Еmpirical analysis. The indicators characterizing the patent activity of the subjects of innovation activity are determined, and the analysis of the dynamics of such indicators as the number of applications and granted patents, self-sufficiency and technological dependence on foreign sources is carried out. It is concluded that at present these indicators are characterized by recession. The results obtained require the adoption of new decisions and the activation of university science as the main subject of the “growth point” of innovative ideas and solutions. Results. The result of the study is a proposal to form a university hub based on a platform for intensifying patent activity not only in the context of university innovation, but also to attract various economic actors involved in the process of both import substitution and strengthening the country’s industrial sovereignty. An analysis was made of the ways of commercialization of intellectual property objects and the planned benefits for subjects-consumers of the university hub services. The advantages of creating a university hub are highlighted, contributing to the development of the innovation sphere and strengthening inter-university relations.

The Review of Existing Approaches to Monitoring of Investment Activity

The paper discusses the theoretical and methodological issues of monitoring. Approaches to monitoring the investment activities. Investments of a various kind, distinctive signs of projects, their stages are considered. Disclosure of know-how of design technology. Explored the use of design technologies for investment.

Assessment of the Russian regions’ social security dynamics

Introduction. For a more accurate assessment of dynamics and achievement of set goals in the social sphere, research on methodological issues of social security and the development of indicators system for its assessment and monitoring are relevant. Theoretical analysis. The article examines theoretical aspects of the “social security” definition, identifies approaches to the definition of this concept and methodological difficulties in interpreting the assessment of the regional systems’ socio-economic security. Empirical analysis. To analyze the dynamics of the Russian regions’ social security level, an integral index was compiled on the basis of statistical indicators and a social security rating of 82 Russian regions was built. It includes 16 indicators in 5 groups, characterizing the main sphere of social security. Results. The revealed polarization of the Social Security Index values indicates the uneven social development of Russian regions, which is a significant threat to the economic security of the national economy as a whole and economic development in particular. Conclusions. The analysis made it possible to assess the level of Russian regions’ social security, to compile a rating and grouping of Russian regions according to the level of social security.

Quality of Investment as a Factor of Reproductive Potential and Competitiveness of the Region

Introduction. Further successful development of the Russian regions should be based on the strategy of modernization. Identification of the main problems of economic development of regions, especially investment, should be an important stage in the construction of this strategy. The methodology and results of the study is analysis of the extent and dynamics of indicators of investment activity in the regions, as well as the assessment of the level and quality of the use of the most important elements of their reproductive capacity required in determining the degree of implementation of the strategy of modernization. Theoretical analysis. The process for determining the effectiveness of investment activity at the regional level offered, and the rating of regions of the Russian Federation on key indicators of return on investment is made. Discussion of the results. The study found that some regions, occupying relatively high positions in the main macroeconomic indicators of gross product, have a number of problems in its investment development. Obstacle to the modernization of the economy of the Russian regions is their under- investment. As a guide the long-term development must be put as a goal to achieve and exceed the national average values. Also some measures the effective implementation of the reproductive potential of the regions offered.