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Гвоздева С. М. Nonparametric Statistical Analysis of Employee Engagement in the Organization. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 639-645. DOI:

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Nonparametric Statistical Analysis of Employee Engagement in the Organization

Introduction. Many organizations realize that the development potential of their employees, job satisfaction is directly related to the increase in profit organizations, consumer loyalty, etc. Theoretical analysis. The author examines the concept of «involvement of personnel in the organization». According to the author the degree of coincidence of the value of employees with a degree values of the organization and is a measure of involvement. When you take into account the involvement of motivation, job satisfaction, learn new knowledge, values employees, etc. In accordance with ISO international standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 26000), and others. Employee engagement is one of the fundamental principles of a quality management system. Critically assess the international and Russian standards in terms of evaluation of involvement of employees in the organization. Results. In assessing staff satisfaction via surveys determine the factors that are important to meet the staff, which may differ depending on the position and division. The most common method is the questionnaire Q12 (Gallup), consisting of 12 statements (questions) that measure the level of employee engagement and identify those aspects of the organization’s work that need to be improved for employee engagement. Written with the help of statistical nonparametric methods to identify the relationship between the expectations of employees in the work and the requirements and values of the head of the organization.


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