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Токтамышева Ю. С., Юсупов К. Н. Target Indicators as a Tool in the Management of Social and Economic Development. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 4, pp. 388-?. DOI:

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Target Indicators as a Tool in the Management of Social and Economic Development

Introduction. The effectiveness of management activities and the successful achievement of the major objectives of social and economic development are highly dependent on competent analysis and evaluation, planning future actions. Methodology. The complex target indicators, the use of which is essential in the formation of social and economic development, formed as a result of scientific work. The complex includes: the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment, inflation, volume of net exports in GDP, the share of investment in fixed assets in GDP, the effectiveness of cost in technological innovation. Comprehensive assessment and correlation analysis of information on these indicators performed. Theoretical analysis. The need for the proposed system of indicators that serve as important indicators of the state and economic development is founded. The concept of «target indicators» suggested that it had not been formulated in economics. Model target indicators, allowing to define the dynamics of the extensive and intensive economic growth and the impact on the level of automation has to offer. Methods of calculating indicators for the proposed model is formed and calculations are presented. Conclusion. The results of the present work allow multifactorial determine the relationship and interdependence of the main macroeconomic indicators of economic development, to carry out their forecasts further values. It is possible to trace the main development trends of the economy of the presented model.


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