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Goch О. М. About Income Inequality in Russia Nowadays. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 389-393. DOI:

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About Income Inequality in Russia Nowadays

Nowadays in Russia strongly negative impact on effective development of country has low incomes of significantly large number of citizens and also income inequality. With the current income inequality level Russia is in group of developing countries, what negatively influence on economic growth of country. The author describes theoretical issues related to the income inequality, actual level of Russian income inequality. Methods. Income inequality research is not possible without one of the analysis methods – analysis, found on incomes by selective investigation of households budgets. Distribution of people by the average income allow to compare prosperity of different people groups. Close attention focus on low-income groups of people which need a social government policy. Results. As a results of author research became the definition of income inequality, an analysis of income inequality indicators in Russia nowadays. The author considered as the main nowadays tendencies gradual reduction of Russian population with incomes below cost of living and at the same time rising of rich people quantity in structure of Russian population. 

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