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Romashkin T. V. Actuality of the Study of Economic Safety of the Enterprise in the Face of Global Economic Instability. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 269-?. DOI:
Actuality of the Study of Economic Safety of the Enterprise in the Face of Global Economic Instability
Introduction. The theme of economic security is of increasing importance, the very dynamic, contradictory trends and developments in the modern world. Theoretical analysis. The problem of global economic security for our country. The global financial crisis raises the issue of the formation of a new concept of economic security that guarantees the independence of the country and its stability, improving the quality of life of the people, the development of science and technology. The purpose of the article is to analyze the national economic security at all levels of management, and pay particular attention to the economic security of business activity, as the stability of the State’s economic development depends on the economic security of every enterprise. It is crucially important to reveal the essence of the problem and related issues, to identify real threats to offer reliable and efficient methods of solving them. Results. Identified the essence and structure of economic security. Investigated the institutional aspects of economic security at all levels of management. Identifies internal and external threats to economic security, entrepreneurial activity and suggest ways of overcoming them. You must create a discussion platform to discuss issues of economic security of Russia, which in turn will not only identify problems but also to find a way out of them.
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