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Мусина Л. Р. Comparative analysis of university models by their innovation activity. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 255-260. DOI:

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Comparative analysis of university models by their innovation activity

Introduction. Universities play an important role in the formation and transfer of new knowledge, its application and commercialization, becoming centers of intellectual development, scientific discoveries and technological progress. Innovative activity is one of the key success factors for a university in the field of domestic higher education. This determines the relevance of considering the directions of universities innovative activity development, taking into account various models of innovative activity, stages of the universities’ life cycle and their functions. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of university models (1.0–4.0) was carried out and the methods for implementing innovations, as well as the expected results of innovative activity, were considered. Depending on the performance of a particular function by a university, different results of innovation activity arise depending on the level of the university’s innovative activity when performing each of these functions and stages of the life cycle. The directions of the university innovative activity development are analyzed depending on its life cycle stage and a comparative characteristic of the university’s models according to the innovative activity methods is carried out. Results. The key directions for the universities innovative activity development are presented, including strengthening ties with industry and organizations for joint research, development and new technologies implementation, creation of special programs and structures that support innovation, increasing financial support for innovative projects and initiatives, developing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

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