innovation activity

Comparative analysis of university models by their innovation activity

Introduction. Universities play an important role in the formation and transfer of new knowledge, its application and commercialization, becoming centers of intellectual development, scientific discoveries and technological progress. Innovative activity is one of the key success factors for a university in the field of domestic higher education. This determines the relevance of considering the directions of universities innovative activity development, taking into account various models of innovative activity, stages of the universities’ life cycle and their functions. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of university models (1.0–4.0) was carried out and the methods for implementing innovations, as well as the expected results of innovative activity, were considered. Depending on the performance of a particular function by a university, different results of innovation activity arise depending on the level of the university’s innovative activity when performing each of these functions and stages of the life cycle. The directions of the university innovative activity development are analyzed depending on its life cycle stage and a comparative characteristic of the university’s models according to the innovative activity methods is carried out. Results. The key directions for the universities innovative activity development are presented, including strengthening ties with industry and organizations for joint research, development and new technologies implementation, creation of special programs and structures that support innovation, increasing financial support for innovative projects and initiatives, developing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

International Experience of Public-Private Partnerships for Development Investment of Innovation

The review of international experience organizing public-private partnerships in the development of investment processes of innovation are made in this article. It focuses on key trends in this area, analyzed the basic tools and support mechanisms for innovation in PPP projects in developed countries and their actual using in Russia, stated the key areas of decision development problems of public-private partnership in the area of innovation.

On the issue of forming a university hub in the concept of open innovation

Introduction. A feature of Russian innovative economy development is the need to solve many problems in a limited time frame, which include the accelerated development of domestic production and the market through the introduction of innovative solutions in the context of minimizing external economic threats associated with anti-Russian sanctions from unfriendly countries. The models of innovative activity are considered and their key subjects are identified. It has been revealed that one of the effective mechanisms for achieving the set goals is to accelerate the pace of introduction of intellectual property objects into industry through the transfer of scientific research results to production. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the place and role of universities in strengthening the innovative potential in the field of intellectual property. The analysis of existing state measures aimed at stimulating the development of innovative potential of universities was carried out. Such mechanisms of interuniversity interaction as the concept of open innovations and network university are considered. Еmpirical analysis. The indicators characterizing the patent activity of the subjects of innovation activity are determined, and the analysis of the dynamics of such indicators as the number of applications and granted patents, self-sufficiency and technological dependence on foreign sources is carried out. It is concluded that at present these indicators are characterized by recession. The results obtained require the adoption of new decisions and the activation of university science as the main subject of the “growth point” of innovative ideas and solutions. Results. The result of the study is a proposal to form a university hub based on a platform for intensifying patent activity not only in the context of university innovation, but also to attract various economic actors involved in the process of both import substitution and strengthening the country’s industrial sovereignty. An analysis was made of the ways of commercialization of intellectual property objects and the planned benefits for subjects-consumers of the university hub services. The advantages of creating a university hub are highlighted, contributing to the development of the innovation sphere and strengthening inter-university relations.

University as a Driver of Economic Development of the Region: Challenges and Prospects

Introduction. Regional university can be considered one of the key elements for building a regional economic development strategy. This article is devoted to regional university’s long-term development in modern environment. Theoretical analysis. In the context of «triple helix model» the network nature of the interaction between the participants of the innovative process is especially important. Today Russian universities are facing such challenges as urgent need of high-qualified graduates, investments, improvement of educational methods, creation and rapid development of university’s infrastructure, changes in ethic standards etc. Empirical analysis. Cooperation between business, government and universities is a burning issue. This is determined by drastic changes in the employers’ demands of graduates’ abilities, lack of universities’ public funding and the call for new off-budget financial sources. Results. Regional universities are supposed to take a proactive position in regional economy and to become the leaders of future innovations. The forthcoming changes should improve and reorganize the present system of regional higher education. The presumptive features of the new system should be the following: profound cooperation between university management, business and government, meritocratic approach, application of innovative educational techniques and teaching methods. This is to become the foundation of the highly efficient functioning of the universities and regional innovative development on the whole.

Improving the Assessment of Innovative Activity of Small Business

Introduction. To assess the efficiency of the state policy on the support and development of small innovative business, a corresponding system of evaluation indicators and indices should be designed. To solve this problem, the paper proposes a number of new indicators to characterize the innovative activity of small business on the basis of the expense–output indicator ratio of innovation activity and the dynamics of these indicators. Theoretical analysis. The formation of an effective national innovation system is impossible without solving the most urgent problems of ensuring a sufficient level and rate of the development of small innovative business. Significant efforts from the authorities, business, and society are made towards its development and comprehensive support in the innovation-developed countries. Methods. Special monitoring of the innovation activity of small business is carried out in the Russian Federation. Commercial organizations being subjects of small business are to submit Form 2-MP, regardless of the kind of ownership of every business entity. The determining criteria are the number of employees and the fixed capital structure. Results. A new approach to the innovation activity evaluation of small and medium businesses at both macrolevel and mesolevel is proposed in the paper on the basis of comparison of the rates of change of the resulting indicators of the innovative activity of enterprises with the rate of change of indicators of the expenses for innovative activities. Conclusions: the approach developed allows evaluating the impact of the state’s efforts of increasing the innovative activity of small and medium businesses in its dynamics.

Government Support for Innovation Activity

The article discusses the public support for innovation are considered public institutions infrastructure to support small and medium-sized businesses, operating in the sphere of innovation, regulations designed to promote the commercialization of intellectual property. Methods. The analysis is of the institutes infrastructure to support small and medium enterprises in the sphere of innovation, analyzes legal acts, in particular the federal level to promote the commercialization of intellectual property, on the basis of a comparative approach describes the programs of public support for innovation. Results. As a result of subsequent events are offered to enhance the innovation activities of Russian companies is deemed to be using the results of intellectual activities to build an economy based on knowledge.

The Approaches to the Analysis of the University Influence on Regional Development

The contribution of universities to the generation of innovation and knowledge transfer, the economic development of the region and the country at the regional level is seen as essential to innovation-based growth, so compiling the classification of the main approaches to the analysis is the actual impact. Theoretical analysis. Depending on the approaches used all methods of analysis of the impact of the university on innovative regional development is subdivided into quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as empirical and theoretical methods of economic knowledge. From this perspective, the article provides an overview of few methodologies for analyzing of universities impact in region development, such as methodology of I. A. Mayburov, the methodology of the OECD project «Review of the role of universities in regional development», an integrated model of multifunctional and multi-level participation of universities in regional development in the context of the needs of the region by O. V. Perfilieva, techniques to analyze the experience of interaction existing federal universities with relevant regions of Russia O. V. Perfilieva and T. A. Meshkova, as well as methods of assessing the development of higher education at the regional level by constructing the ratings of subjects of the Russian Federation. Results. Creating mechanisms to identify and monitor trends in the development of education indicators by region provides an opportunity to assess the university’s contribution to the development of the region and to develop assessment tools and models predict the effects of national research universities on the innovative development of the regions.

Innovation immunity of Russian economy

Introduction. The article examines the general immunity of the Russian economy to innovation, which is inherent in it at the present stage. It is caused by a number of macro and microeconomic, as well as institutional factors. This was an important reason that did not allow us to achieve a number of ambitious economic goals set by the country’s leaders. Theoretical analysis. The review of empirical and statistical material confirms the negative trends that exist in Russian economy, associated with a decrease in the innovative activity of enterprises and organizations. Among the macroeconomic factors of innovation immunity of the Russian economy, the following are distinguished: a one-sided developed economic structure with a hypertrophied predominance of raw materials and energy-producing industries with a low added value of the final product; insufficient aggregate demand for innovation on the part of the state, firms and households, as well as the lack of investment resources for enterprises and organizations to implement innovation activities. Microeconomic factors of the Russian economy’s immunity to innovation are: lack of internal sources of financing from enterprises; the high cost of credit resources; lack of tax incentives and the lack of effective state support for innovation, especially at the level of small and medium-sized businesses. support for innovation, especially at the level of small and medium-sized businesses. Results. It is concluded that the support of innovation activity requires the protection of property rights, a fair tax and judicial system, the absence of administrative barriers and excessive regulation, the presumption of innocence of the entrepreneur, and general political and economic stability. At the present stage, it is necessary to develop a unified state strategy for innovative development, focused on increasing labor productivity and achieving sustainable economic growth, support innovation, especially at the level of small and medium-sized enterprises.