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Ilynyak А. А. Competition for International and National Labor Law as One of the Factors of Decent Work. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 348-352. DOI:

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Competition for International and National Labor Law as One of the Factors of Decent Work

Correction of national labor legislation according to the international labor legislation is an important step in overcoming the problems associated with the provision of decent work in Russia. Inaccurate translation, poor regulations, untimely introduction of changes lead to competition for international and Russian labor law. Results. Analysis of the Russian and international labor law rules competition has shown that it is a common phenomenon in the modern legal reality. To eliminate the competition between national labor standards and international law when national legislation imposing more extensive guarantees for workers compared to the norms of international law, it is necessary to amend Article 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. Elimination of competition between the norms of national and international labor law is necessary and helps to create optimal conditions for the regulation of labor relations and directly connected to labor relations, the uniformity of enforcement. Non-compliance of the rules affects important aspects of labor law: the right to form trade unions, to strike, prohibition of discrimination, wages and others. Panacea for the elimination of the labor law rules competition is an analysis of the existing rules, changes in the law and improving the quality of regulations.

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