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Potapenko E. G. Complex Institutions in the Law System of the Russian Federation. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 357-362. DOI:

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Complex Institutions in the Law System of the Russian Federation

Law system has a complicated formation caused by several external and internal reasons. In actual conditions of intensive development and transformation of the public relations the law can not remain static. Its structure changes permanently. These changes not always are visible, caused first of all by new structure elements. More often such changes happen on the functional level of elements’ interaction. Methods. Methodological basis of the research is an internal interconnected complex of knowledge methods: system-structured, functional, logical. The basic method is materialistic dialectics, which allowed the author to investigate complex formations in connection and interdependence with other components of the law system and with the subject of their legal regulation. Results. The author emphasizes 3 principal features of complex structure community. Organizational feature is connected with external display of the complexity of the structure element of the law system. This feature allows to reveal a potential complex law formation, but is not an obligatory one. The idea of the organization feature consists in the following: the norms of one law branch are fixed in a legal act being a source of another law branch. The second feature of a complex formation is its subject of legal regulation, which as a rule matches with the subject of legal regulation of a particular law branch, adopting a legal norm from another law branch. An exclusion is the law communities being in process of formation, isolation (in transformation from complex internal branch institution to a separate law branch). The third feature of the complex formation is a reservation of branch attribution of adopted norms, which displays as in reservation of juridical construction of legal norm, identity of legal construction, and internally – in identity of regulative action.

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