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Zhichkin K. A., Petrosjan A. L. Economic Aspects of Damage Determination from Agricultural Lands Non-targeted Use. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 90-?. DOI:

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Economic Aspects of Damage Determination from Agricultural Lands Non-targeted Use

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of agricultural land non-targeted use and the damage determination. The purpose of research – to improve the calculating methods of the damage value caused by agricultural land inappropriate use. Objectives: to determine the size non-targeted use in the years 2009–2013 under the Samara region; to analyze the dependence of the damage size caused by territorial location; formulate a particular calculating method at the levels of «enterprise» and «municipal district-region».

Empirical analysis. The study found that non-target use sizes are constantly increasing. Placing objects on the territory of the region does not depend on the profitability of agricultural land, as agricultural production is less competitive compared to the extractive industries. In determining the loss size must be taken into account features of their formation over time, which depends on the type of damage source.

Results. In the reporting period, the damage amount is constantly growing, which is associated with the mining companies expansion. If in 2009 was built 50 wells for various purposes, in 2013 – 236. Direct dependency on the damage size caused by the territory placement have not been identified.


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