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Sankov V. G., Мorozov S. А. Entity and Negative Role of Freeriding. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 87-?. DOI:

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Entity and Negative Role of Freeriding

Introduction. The problem of freerides in the economy is being addressed. The example of passenger transport shows the negative impact and the limits of its development. The freerides problem is reflected both for the business that is providing the service and for bona fide users in the form of additional charges for servicing the freerides. Theoretical analysis. The freerides in various branches of the economy have been reviewed and summarized. Free services for natural persons, as exemplified by passenger transport, have been separately allocated. Description of the research object. The orientation of the control services to achieve full payment by all passengers for their journey in the electric train. In order to achieve full fare charges, the control of passengers in the electric train is considered at the interstation line of the road to be complete and continuous during the entire time of the train’s journey. The problem of finding an effective option for the provision of electric trains by supervisor’s staff is described. The solution to the empirical task. The task of optimizing the cost of maintaining the supervisors state by paying for travel on the train with different options for travel is being pursued. Results of the study. The phenomenon of freerides is not attributed to a negative phenomenon. The overall purpose of law enforcement is not to “eradicate” crime, but to “contain it at the optimum level”. The psychological aspect of the phenomenon, the systemic characteristics of the society also depend on the level of coverage of its freerides, which should be optimal for it as well. The systemic integrity of a society must be separated from the unsystemal state of the social community, but at the same time should not disrupt the production and targeting of a society. The second structural integrity must prevail over the first.


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