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Veretyokhin A. V. External Environment as a Source of Threat for Ecological and Economic Industrial Enterprises Safety. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 73-?. DOI:

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External Environment as a Source of Threat for Ecological and Economic Industrial Enterprises Safety

Introduction. The effective use of industrial capacity is the important condition for the national economy sustainable development. Manufacturing organizations can provide their own ecological and economic security only when they take into account the impact of environment objective factors on their activities. The article purpose is an investigation of the exo-environment effect on the formation of the threats for industrial enterprise ecological and economic security on the example of publishing and printing companies.

Theoretical analysis. The article considers the definitions and concepts of economic security. It highlights the importance of the environmental component of economic security as it currently dominates. In addition, the author analyzes the features of exo-surroundings industrial enterprise and the relationships there in order to identify the main sources of objective threats. The study was conducted on the example of the impact of the global environment and the state to publishing and printing companies.

Results. From the point of view of increasing of enterprises environmental and economic sustainability it is found that the factors associated with exposure to the external environment are the most significant. Seeing the scale of potential threats from them is large. There are serious difficulties to forecast their occurrence and possible manifestations. As a result, the author concluded about the importance of tool such as a permanent analysis of the environmental and economic security of the organization. This tool provides the basis for strategic management decisions making. Article formulates the basic tasks of business at the decision of environmental and economic security.


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