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Matov O. R., Zazulya A. A. Features of Detection of Handprints on Firearms and Cartridges. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 235-239. DOI:

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Features of Detection of Handprints on Firearms and Cartridges

Introduction. Firearms and ammunition are traditionally complex objects for fingerprint identification research. Theoretical analysis. The possibilities of modern laboratory methods for detecting handprints on firearms and ammunition are discussed. It is noted that the most effective method is the vacuum deposition of thin metal films, as well as cyanoacrylic acid esters in vacuum. Technology for producing powders. A method for producing silica gel, polystyrene and aluminosilicate powders using a “micromill” is described, and particle sizes of the powder are shown. Experiment. Experiments have been carried out to detect powders of silica gel, polystyrene and aluminosilicate of hand traces on firearms and cartridges for them. Discussion of results. It was determined that the optimal laboratory method for detecting handprints on firearms and ammunition for them is the detection of cyanacrylic acid esters in a vacuum, and silica gel, polystyrene and aluminosilicate powders are effective at the scene, with silica gel being the most suitable fingerprint powder for these purposes.

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