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Орлова Т. В. Features of Formation of a Mechanism for Evaluating Innovative Potential of Machine-building Enterprise. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 633-639. DOI:
Features of Formation of a Mechanism for Evaluating Innovative Potential of Machine-building Enterprise
Introduction. To innovate engineering plants must be of sufficient magnitude innovative potential. Therefore, it is advisable to optimize the mechanism for evaluating innovative potential of machine-building enterprises. Theoretical analysis. In assessing the innovative potential use indicators that characterize the different sides of innovation engineering enterprises independently of each other, which prevents its objective assessment, so evaluation of innovative potential of machine-building enterprises should be considered from the point of view of the system approach. In assessing the innovative potential of machine-building enterprise is important to determine its structure and the degree of influence of each component on the innovative activity of the enterprise, which indicates the relative contribution of this component in a meaningful assessment of the innovation potential. Conclusion. Study of the formation, development and evaluation of innovative potential indicates a low level of sustainable development of domestic construction machinery enterprises.
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