innovative activity

Innovative Activity аs Legal Institution

In article modern problems of legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation are considered. The author proves the position according to which there are all necessary theoretical preconditions considering innovative activity as interbranch institution of the Russian law.

Features оf Innovative Activity in the Investment Sphere

In article features of the organization of innovative activity of investment institutes are considered. The last, to some extent enter into an investment component of innovative infrastructure (IСII) and are thus urged to solve the most important problem of ensuring innovative development at various levels financial resources. At the same time subjects of IСII need innovative development that in turn dema nds identification and the description of features innovative деятельности in the investment sphere.

Long-term Planning of Innovative Development Mezoeconomic Level as a Factor of Formation of Innovative Strategies of Industrial Enterprises

Innovative  strategies  in industrial  enterprises  play an  important role  in implementing and maintaining a continuous  process of innovation. Currently improving innovative development for most  industrial  enterprises  is  an  important means of  maintaining  their activity  in developed areas and expansion into new directions.  Goals and objectives.  Long-term planning of innovative development mezoeconomic level serves  as  the basis for the development of projects  of medium-term programs of social-economic development of the industrial enterprises  of the Saratov  region, the medium-term financial plans,  innovative projects  and other documents for  companies. R esearch  methodology.  For industrial enterprises  strategy combines  the long-term objectives  and planned results,  as  well  as  the methods,  techniques  and tools to achieve these  goals,  solve specific problems, as  well as  for the rational allocation of resources. Results. The result of the considered  the author of the dependence of formation of innovative strategies  directly at the enterprise  from the planning of innovative development at  the mezo  level is the creation of an enabling environment and effective infrastructure for the formation of the Saratov area  of modern high-tech economy and sustainable development of its investment-innovation model.  Saratov region has the necessary  potential for the rapid development of innovation sector of  the economy (availability  of  scientific  schools and advance  in  applied  research).  For  further  development  of  innovative  sector  of  the  region  provides  for  the  establishment  of  base  areas of high technology  and a network of regional centers of innovation development,  energy saving and increasing energy efficiency  of the regional economy based on innovative development.

Methods and Forms of Investment Innovation at the Meso Level

The urgent need for the formation of national innovative
system of the Russian Federation actualizes the problem
of building innovative systems of meso-economic level, the solution
is impossible without determining the most effective forms and methods of investing in the innovative development of the
regions, bringing the required volumes of investment resources
at the right time. For this it is necessary to accurately determine
the terminology, to reveal the economic substance of the studied
concepts to conduct data classification. Theoretical analysis.
Analysis of scientific literature dedicated to investments in innovative
activities, showed that to date there is no single representation
and interpretation of the concept «form of investment and
innovative activity», missing their full classification in conjunction
with the methods of investment. Methods. The article presents
schematically disclosed the author’s interpretation of the «form of
investment and innovative activity of meso-economic systems»,
shows its relationship with the methods and means of investing in
innovation at the meso level. Results. The refined and expanded
the classification of forms and methods of investment in innovation
at the meso level with consideration of the peculiarities of the
latter. Conclusions. Presents the systematization allows more
balneo to reveal the economic substance of the forms and methods
of investment innovation at the meso level and to determine the
directions of their development.

Features of Formation of a Mechanism for Evaluating Innovative Potential of Machine-building Enterprise

Introduction. To innovate engineering plants must be of sufficient magnitude innovative potential. Therefore, it is advisable to optimize the mechanism for evaluating innovative potential of machine-building enterprises. Theoretical analysis. In assessing the innovative potential use indicators that characterize the different sides of innovation engineering enterprises independently of each other, which prevents its objective assessment, so evaluation of innovative potential of machine-building enterprises should be considered from the point of view of the system approach. In assessing the innovative potential of machine-building enterprise is important to determine its structure and the degree of influence of each component on the innovative activity of the enterprise, which indicates the relative contribution of this component in a meaningful assessment of the innovation potential. Conclusion. Study of the formation, development and evaluation of innovative potential indicates a low level of sustainable development of domestic construction machinery enterprises.