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Sankov V. G., Golubeva S. S., Stepanov S. S. Information Factor of Supply Chains Reliability in the Machine-building Industry. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 300-306. DOI:

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Information Factor of Supply Chains Reliability in the Machine-building Industry

Due to the growth of economy instability the problem of formation of supply chains which are characterized by high reliability is being made actual in the field of logistics. This issue gets special significance for machine-building enterprises as the modern mechanical engineering is one of the leading branches: more than 20% of the total amount of the Russian Federation industrial products is accounted for it. Methods. For studying of supply chains features within enterprises methods of economic and comparative analysis, SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), as well as scientific modeling, scientific abstraction, the system analysis, cause and effect relationship were used. The application of the wide range of methods of research is directed to ensuring reliability of results of the carried-out analysis, adequacy of the developed recommendations. Results. The carried-out analysis of the organization and functioning of a supply chain in the machine-building enterprise characterized by the usage of SADT methodology has revealed a number of disadvantages: low level of reliability of logistic chain links, imperfection of the coordination mechanism of the chain subjects management, lack of sufficient information concerning the condition of stocks, disconjugacy and irrationality of logistic processes organization, abundance of reserves of reduction of expenses on all parts of supply chains. Conclusion. Logistic supply chains in the field of mechanical engineering are characterized by high dynamism which is connected with constantly changing requirements of the market. Due to this fact for rapid and adequate response to external and internal changes there is provided the introduction of the integrated information and computer complexes which are capable to provide reliability of production and marketing process in all supply chains.

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