Cite this article as:
Buynitskaya E. S. Managerial Aspect in Activity of Pharmaceutical Companies. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 303-?.
Managerial Aspect in Activity of Pharmaceutical Companies
The article explains the use of the project approach in
the management of innovative activity of pharmaceutical companies
and determining the cost-effectiveness of investments in innovation
activities of pharmaceutical companies. Theoretical analysis. The
activity of pharmaceutical companies is increasingly taking the form
of projects. This is primarily due to the necessity of standardization
the most important aspects of corporate management activities of
pharmaceutical companies. In the conditions of high competitive
environment in order to ensure the survival of the pharmaceutical
enterprises in these conditions, it is necessary to realize the innovation
activity under condition of using the system of innovation project
management. The necessity of creating the system of innovation
project management at pharmaceutical manufactory is specify of
development of pharmaceutical market, which needs in fast response.
That’s why in order to achieve the effectiveness of using resources,
observance of time of implementation of management decisions
necessary to ensure optimum interaction processes (or all activities)
under the conditions of each project. According to the author, in the
project management system, it is expedient to introduce evaluation
of innovative projects based on the concept of real options. Results.
Revealed the value of real options approach with a high degree of
uncertainty in terms of functioning of the company and the possibility
of managerial influence on it. It is appeared the possibility and right
to change strategy
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