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Novoselova M. A., Firsova A. A. Mechanisms of Public-private Partnerships at the Regional Level. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 439-444. DOI:
Mechanisms of Public-private Partnerships at the Regional Level
The article analyzes the functioning of public-private partnerships at the regional level. The main trends in this area are defined by their specific risks in Russia at the regional level. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of the basic approaches to the definitions of public-private partnership has allowed to note, that it is the understanding of the essence of this partnerships, primarily as a mechanism for the joint investment of resources in the implementation of infrastructure projects, the sharing of risks and responsibilities in the implementation of such projects on a contract basis. Empirical analysis. Analysis of trends emerging market of regional public-private partnership has shown a positive trend. The study of the Russian experience in implementing public-private partnership demonstrates that it along with the launch of large mega-projects, there is a great demand for the development of instruments of public-private partnership at the level of regions and municipalities in the field of communal, social and transport infrastructure, construction, communications and roads. Results. The basic shortcomings of instruments of public-private partnership, the key factors and risks affecting the prospects of regional projects, ways of solving the problems of development of public-private partnerships at the regional level are formulated in the article.
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