regional development

Regional Development in a Context of Reproductive Approach

In article the general characteristic of regional reproduction is given, its distinctive features and a place in system of public reproduction are shown. It is proved that realization reproductive process at regional level corresponds to market principles of the organization of the economy, expressed in an effective utilization of economic potential of national economy of Russia.

University as a Driver of Economic Development of the Region: Challenges and Prospects

Introduction. Regional university can be considered one of the key elements for building a regional economic development strategy. This article is devoted to regional university’s long-term development in modern environment. Theoretical analysis. In the context of «triple helix model» the network nature of the interaction between the participants of the innovative process is especially important. Today Russian universities are facing such challenges as urgent need of high-qualified graduates, investments, improvement of educational methods, creation and rapid development of university’s infrastructure, changes in ethic standards etc. Empirical analysis. Cooperation between business, government and universities is a burning issue. This is determined by drastic changes in the employers’ demands of graduates’ abilities, lack of universities’ public funding and the call for new off-budget financial sources. Results. Regional universities are supposed to take a proactive position in regional economy and to become the leaders of future innovations. The forthcoming changes should improve and reorganize the present system of regional higher education. The presumptive features of the new system should be the following: profound cooperation between university management, business and government, meritocratic approach, application of innovative educational techniques and teaching methods. This is to become the foundation of the highly efficient functioning of the universities and regional innovative development on the whole.

Transformation of the Classical University in the National Research University: a Regional Perspective

In modern conditions of the economy one of the most promising ways of increasing the efficiency of the economic system is the creation of innovative socio-economic structures. Institutional forms of the organization of such structures are national research universities. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the process of transforming traditional universities in national research universities. This is, firstly, a consequence of disequilibrium and instability of the modern world, and secondly, the result of constant change and chaos in the natural, social, economic and other systems, and thirdly, the orientation of the new economy on knowledge and innovation. The paper investigates the change of roles of universities: from traditional (educational and scientific activities) to the new (commercialization of research results), as well as the changing role of universities in economic development. Discussion of results. On the example of the restructuring of the regional university to a national research university revealed the fundamental position of the regional university in the community, making it a key element in the future of innovation, creating new jobs, sustainable development and economic growth of the region as a whole.

Mechanisms of Public-private Partnerships at the Regional Level

The article analyzes the functioning of public-private partnerships at the regional level. The main trends in this area are defined by their specific risks in Russia at the regional level. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of the basic approaches to the definitions of public-private partnership has allowed to note, that it is the understanding of the essence of this partnerships, primarily as a mechanism for the joint investment of resources in the implementation of infrastructure projects, the sharing of risks and responsibilities in the implementation of such projects on a contract basis. Empirical analysis. Analysis of trends emerging market of regional public-private partnership has shown a positive trend. The study of the Russian experience in implementing public-private partnership demonstrates that it along with the launch of large mega-projects, there is a great demand for the development of instruments of public-private partnership at the level of regions and municipalities in the field of communal, social and transport infrastructure, construction, communications and roads. Results. The basic shortcomings of instruments of public-private partnership, the key factors and risks affecting the prospects of regional projects, ways of solving the problems of development of public-private partnerships at the regional level are formulated in the article.

The Approaches to the Analysis of the University Influence on Regional Development

The contribution of universities to the generation of innovation and knowledge transfer, the economic development of the region and the country at the regional level is seen as essential to innovation-based growth, so compiling the classification of the main approaches to the analysis is the actual impact. Theoretical analysis. Depending on the approaches used all methods of analysis of the impact of the university on innovative regional development is subdivided into quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as empirical and theoretical methods of economic knowledge. From this perspective, the article provides an overview of few methodologies for analyzing of universities impact in region development, such as methodology of I. A. Mayburov, the methodology of the OECD project «Review of the role of universities in regional development», an integrated model of multifunctional and multi-level participation of universities in regional development in the context of the needs of the region by O. V. Perfilieva, techniques to analyze the experience of interaction existing federal universities with relevant regions of Russia O. V. Perfilieva and T. A. Meshkova, as well as methods of assessing the development of higher education at the regional level by constructing the ratings of subjects of the Russian Federation. Results. Creating mechanisms to identify and monitor trends in the development of education indicators by region provides an opportunity to assess the university’s contribution to the development of the region and to develop assessment tools and models predict the effects of national research universities on the innovative development of the regions.

Models of Interaction of University and Region

Introduction. The urgency is determined by increasing of studying of the problems of interaction the university and the region -is so-called «third role» of universities – the University of interaction with the region. Theoretical analysis. In modern foreign studies on the theory and methodology of innovative development identifies new trends and properties of the interaction of science, business and government. Discussed in the article the university interaction with the local community models are show that more social actors involved in the processes of development of higher education, radically changing the nature of the relationship between science and society. Speaking about the perception of the university in their region, the researchers note several aspects of perception of interaction with the local community universities. Due to the changing role of the university it is modified interaction model university and region. Results. Modeling its interaction with the region, the university should use a systematic approach, relying on the analysis of the consistency of its internal capabilities with the needs of the regional economy, which in turn is consistent with the basic mission of the university in the field of education and research.

Evaluation of Realization of Basic Functions of Regional Systems of Higher Education

Introduction. In the context of globalization, the competitiveness of the national economy is largely determined by the dynamics of the development of regional innovation and educational systems and the effectiveness of interaction among their subjects, among which regional higher education systems are becoming a significant driver of innovative growth. The purpose of the study is to develop methods for quantifying the effectiveness of the functioning and implementation of basic functions by regional higher education systems on the basis of a functional approach. Theoretical analysis. The sustainable and competitive development of the region’s economy in response to modern global challenges is largely determined by the quality of the workforce and the regional education system. Empirical analysis. Based on the analysis of the basic functions of universities, the results of the activity of the regional educational systems of 830 universities from 80 regions of the Russian Federation for 2016 were analyzed, the indicators characterizing the functioning of regional higher education systems were grouped into 3 groups according to the number of basic functions to trace the manifestations of each function. Results. The conducted research allowed to evaluate the functional dynamics, structure and volume indicators characterizing the quality of the implementation of the basic functions of regional higher education systems. Comparison of the results obtained by regions of the Russian Federation allows us to draw conclusions about the balance of regional systems of higher education.

Universities and Regional Development: Qualitative Research Theory and Methodology

Introduction. The rising role of universities in regional development in Russia determines the importance of research able to assess universities’ impact and influence on territory’s development. Theoretical analysis. Due to complex functions of modern HEIs and diversified socio-economic environment universities turned to address wider needs of social development then it was defined previously by the classical concepts of universities. The universities’ society or community engagement is one of the important features of modern universities. The mechanisms of the universities’ social engagement could be derived from various analytical frameworks. E.g. the H. Etz- kowitz’ Triple Helix Model or the model of the universities’ multilateral and multilevel networking suggested by P.Arbo and P. Benneworth. Methodology. The model of the universities’ multilateral and multilevel networking presents the background for the universities regional engagement qualitative research. The paper highlights the methodological approach to the universities’ regional engagement qualitative assessment, methods of qualitative analysis, and results drawn from the qualitative research. Conclution. The qualitative approach to the universities’ regional impact assessment is argued as the most relevant to the strategic management goals set currently by Russian regional universities in order to address the regional needs effectively.

The Influence of the University of Small Innovative Enterprises on Regional Development

Introduction. The urgency of studying of the problems of correlation of regional development and Genesis of small innovative enterprises at universities is due to the strengthening of innovative orientation of national economic development. Theoretical analysis. The article considers the small innovative enterprises, which are one of the leading forms of commercialization of results of research activities of higher education institutions. The article presents the stages of development of business initiatives at the state universities of Russia. The article reveals the features of the small innovative enterprises at universities in innovative development of the region and the country. Empirical analysis. To determine the impact of small innovative enterprises on the development of the Volga Federal district built an econometric model. This model defines the dependence of the growth rate of the gross regional product of the values of indicators such as the number of staff employed in scientific research and development the costs of research and development, used advanced production technologies, the number of small innovative enterprises. Conclution. Although small innovative business in universities is an important part of the modernization of the region and of the Russian economy and plays a leading role in the implementation of University innovations, formation of intellectual elite of the region, the involvement of students in the business, its influence on the development of the region is not so clear and not immediately be accompanied by the positive effect. It depends primarily on how well-developed innovation infrastructure of each region, and what is taking innovative measures.