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Мансуров Р. Е. Opportunities for the Development of Sugar Industry of the Saratov Region from the Standpoint of Ensuring Food Security of Russia. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 646-650. DOI:

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Opportunities for the Development of Sugar Industry of the Saratov Region from the Standpoint of Ensuring Food Security of Russia

Introduction. Now in Russia is of particular importance in ensuring food security. This applies to sugar, especially because the country’s needs at the expense of own production are provided at 55-57%. The purpose of this study is to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of sugar beet industry of the Saratov region, applyed mathematical methods, comparative analysis, economic-statistical methods and method of the location of the triangle Century of Launhardt. Results of the study. It was determined that at the present time to ensure the needs of the region in the sugar lacks the capacities of the existing sugar factory and it is reasonable reconstruction with bringing its processing capacity up to 4500 tons per day. Also considering the possibility of building in Rtishchev the sugar plant with a design capacity of 8,000 tons per day. Conclusion. An expected increase in production capacity will ensure the needs of the region. This will require to review the structure and area of sugar beet in the field. To solve this task was conducted zoning, which allowed us to identify two zones. The main criterion was to minimize the transportation costs of shipping raw materials from the fields. By calculation, it was determined the optimal allocation of acreage on selected areas based on projected capacity, provided they are uniform load within 160 days.


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