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Golubnichenko M. V. Problematic Issues of Academic Engagement Between Universities and Business. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 404-?. DOI:

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Problematic Issues of Academic Engagement Between Universities and Business

Introduction. National research universities in addition to the functions of education, research, play an integrating role within the ecosystem of innovation, participating in the process of business development. Paramount importance of academic cooperation between universities and enterprises. Theoretical analysis. In the article the problematic issues of academic cooperation between universities and business associated with his assessment: lack of longitudinal information, the validity and comparability of study results is limited. Discussion of results. the Result of research conducted by the author are the proposals to strengthen the study of the process of academic engagement, examine its implications, institutional aspects. Conclusion. Further study of problematic issues of academic cooperation will allow to draw conclusions about which forms to promote and under what conditions they can achieve further academic or economic goals.


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