University as a Driver of Economic Development of the Region: Challenges and Prospects |
Introduction. Regional university can be considered one of the key elements for building a regional economic development strategy. This article is devoted to regional university’s long-term development in modern environment. Theoretical analysis. In the context of «triple helix model» the network nature of the interaction between the participants of the innovative process is especially important. Today Russian universities are facing such challenges as urgent need of high-qualified graduates, investments, improvement of educational methods, creation and rapid development of university’s infrastructure, changes in ethic standards etc. Empirical analysis. Cooperation between business, government and universities is a burning issue. This is determined by drastic changes in the employers’ demands of graduates’ abilities, lack of universities’ public funding and the call for new off-budget financial sources. Results. Regional universities are supposed to take a proactive position in regional economy and to become the leaders of future innovations. The forthcoming changes should improve and reorganize the present system of regional higher education. The presumptive features of the new system should be the following: profound cooperation between university management, business and government, meritocratic approach, application of innovative educational techniques and teaching methods. This is to become the foundation of the highly efficient functioning of the universities and regional innovative development on the whole. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
The Approaches to the Analysis of the University Influence on Regional Development |
The contribution of universities to the generation of innovation and knowledge transfer, the economic development of the region and the country at the regional level is seen as essential to innovation-based growth, so compiling the classification of the main approaches to the analysis is the actual impact. Theoretical analysis. Depending on the approaches used all methods of analysis of the impact of the university on innovative regional development is subdivided into quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as empirical and theoretical methods of economic knowledge. From this perspective, the article provides an overview of few methodologies for analyzing of universities impact in region development, such as methodology of I. A. Mayburov, the methodology of the OECD project «Review of the role of universities in regional development», an integrated model of multifunctional and multi-level participation of universities in regional development in the context of the needs of the region by O. V. Perfilieva, techniques to analyze the experience of interaction existing federal universities with relevant regions of Russia O. V. Perfilieva and T. A. Meshkova, as well as methods of assessing the development of higher education at the regional level by constructing the ratings of subjects of the Russian Federation. Results. Creating mechanisms to identify and monitor trends in the development of education indicators by region provides an opportunity to assess the university’s contribution to the development of the region and to develop assessment tools and models predict the effects of national research universities on the innovative development of the regions. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(1) |
Models of Interaction of University and Region |
Introduction. The urgency is determined by increasing of studying of the problems of interaction the university and the region -is so-called «third role» of universities – the University of interaction with the region. Theoretical analysis. In modern foreign studies on the theory and methodology of innovative development identifies new trends and properties of the interaction of science, business and government. Discussed in the article the university interaction with the local community models are show that more social actors involved in the processes of development of higher education, radically changing the nature of the relationship between science and society. Speaking about the perception of the university in their region, the researchers note several aspects of perception of interaction with the local community universities. Due to the changing role of the university it is modified interaction model university and region. Results. Modeling its interaction with the region, the university should use a systematic approach, relying on the analysis of the consistency of its internal capabilities with the needs of the regional economy, which in turn is consistent with the basic mission of the university in the field of education and research. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |
Problematic Issues of Academic Engagement Between Universities and Business |
Introduction. National research universities in addition to the functions of education, research, play an integrating role within the ecosystem of innovation, participating in the process of business development. Paramount importance of academic cooperation between universities and enterprises. Theoretical analysis. In the article the problematic issues of academic cooperation between universities and business associated with his assessment: lack of longitudinal information, the validity and comparability of study results is limited. Discussion of results. the Result of research conducted by the author are the proposals to strengthen the study of the process of academic engagement, examine its implications, institutional aspects. Conclusion. Further study of problematic issues of academic cooperation will allow to draw conclusions about which forms to promote and under what conditions they can achieve further academic or economic goals. |
Academic Value Added in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the University |
Introduction. Increased interest in the performance of education systems in terms of strengthening the transparency for the state and society form the new tools for assessing the effectiveness based on the concept of the academic added value. Each educational system or institution can be evaluate from the point of view of efficiency of money spent by the state and the quality and scope of knowledge and skills of its graduates. Theoretical analysis. The academic added value can serve as a tool to assess the degree of improvement / strengthening of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the learning period, the extent of giving them opportunities of critical thinking and reflection on current events and changes, and the ability to learn throughout life. Empirical analysis. Obtained on the basis of academic value-added results provide an opportunity to compare the quality of educational institutions, with different levels of the student body. Results. Academic added value concept reflects the influence of external factors, often not related to the educational process, the level of educational achievements of students, raising more serious questions about the availability and quality of education as a whole, rather than its effectiveness, and makes research in the field of education to move to the assessment of learning outcomes, rather than inputs (especially such as funding and the professional level of the teaching staff). |
Cognitive Modeling the Impact of a Regional System of Higher Education in the Innovative Development of the Region |
Introduction. To find the most effective management tools for interaction of regional higher education and regional innovation system to analyze their mutual influence through cognitive analysis. Theoretical analysis. To assess the role of regional institutions of higher education in regional development in the foreign studies used different models to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of universities to social and economic innovative development of the region. Empirical analysis. It is obvious that the education system and innovation system linked at the regional level. To construct the initial cognitive map, a model that reflects the current state of the education system and the regional innovation system and their influence on the innovative development of the region, used indicators of educational activities, research and innovation, human resource development, international activities, infrastructure, employment of university graduates, financial indicators. Results. Tools cognitive modeling can simulate the effects of decisions made on the interaction of all the actors of the regional innovation system: government, science and business at the regional level, and lays the foundation for the efficient use of the capacity of higher education institutions in promoting opportunities to promote regional development. |
Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Экономика. Управление. Право. 2015. Т. 15, вып. 4 |
Universities Impact on Innovative Development of Regions: an Empirical Analysis |
Introduction. In recent decades, questions the impact of universities on regional economic development and the search for the most effective mechanisms and instruments of cooperation of universities and regions attracts more and more attention from researchers and practitioners. Methodology of the study. In this article it was set the goal – to study the influence of Russian universities in the innovative development of the regions. To assess the impact of universities on the performance of innovative development of regions were used statistical data of Federal service of state statistics for 2010–2013. The factors characterizing the influence of the university, was chosen set of statistically observable on the financial performance of national research universities. To assess the level of innovation development of the region was used the method of integral rating analysis of innovative activity and knowledge production function model. Results. Analysis of the correlation of the analyzed regions of the Russian Federation shows significant differentiation parameters and dynamics influence the activities of national research universities in the innovative development of the region. By increasing the amount of funds they have received R & D contracts with businesses in relation to their total revenues to 1 million rubles, the level of innovation development of the region will increase by 4.8499 units, which indicates good prospects for the development of regions with the active collaboration of universities and business. |
Номер журнала 586 |
The Role of Public Authorities in the Organization of Innovative Activity in the Saratov Region |
Introduction. The tactical objective of the authorities in the field of innovation is the formation of a favorable environment, as «umbrella» over innovation. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes the activities of executive authorities in the Saratov region, responsible for taking initiatives in innovation, and algorithmic activities of the government of the Saratov region on the creation of favourable innovation climate and innovation infrastructure. Empirical analysis. The mechanisms of influence of the Ministry of industry and energy of the Saratov region, the Ministry of economic development and investment policy, regional Venture Fund and Business incubator for innovative activity in the region analyzed. Discussion of the results. There is support of key state agencies aimed at stimulating innovation activity, commercialization of new inventions, their introduction into production in the Saratov region. Powerful university complex with regional bodies has a direct impact on the development of innovative activities in the region. However, weak industry, the lack of competitive enterprises in a modern technological basis, the bankruptcy of many industrial enterprises, the burden of excessive taxes, high tariffs, lack of investment programs reinforce is negative trends. It requires the review of all innovation, investment and industrial policy in the Saratov region, its adjustment towards the creation of favorable conditions for development of innovative activity. |
Номер журнала 497 |
The Influence of the University of Small Innovative Enterprises on Regional Development |
Introduction. The urgency of studying of the problems of correlation of regional development and Genesis of small innovative enterprises at universities is due to the strengthening of innovative orientation of national economic development. Theoretical analysis. The article considers the small innovative enterprises, which are one of the leading forms of commercialization of results of research activities of higher education institutions. The article presents the stages of development of business initiatives at the state universities of Russia. The article reveals the features of the small innovative enterprises at universities in innovative development of the region and the country. Empirical analysis. To determine the impact of small innovative enterprises on the development of the Volga Federal district built an econometric model. This model defines the dependence of the growth rate of the gross regional product of the values of indicators such as the number of staff employed in scientific research and development the costs of research and development, used advanced production technologies, the number of small innovative enterprises. Conclution. Although small innovative business in universities is an important part of the modernization of the region and of the Russian economy and plays a leading role in the implementation of University innovations, formation of intellectual elite of the region, the involvement of students in the business, its influence on the development of the region is not so clear and not immediately be accompanied by the positive effect. It depends primarily on how well-developed innovation infrastructure of each region, and what is taking innovative measures. |
Номер журнала 496 |
The «Triple Helix» in the Innovation System Saratov Region – Interaction and Disadvantages of Functioning |
Introduction. The article deals with the content of theories of «Triple Helix», developed by Western scholars at the beginning of the XXI century, the essence of which is the need for innovative interaction of three driving forces of the modern economy – the university community, industry and the public authorities, and analyzes the practical aspects of this interaction in the Saratov region, shows the advantages and disadvantages of the relationship between data elements. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of the interaction between the elements of the «Triple Helix» involves the use of methods of scientific research. These methods include systemic, complex, statistical methods, analysis and synthesis of the object, the use of special methods of research (interview data). Empirical analysis. In an innovative collaboration at the regional level, considering the possibility of capitalization available cash of material and financial resources of the region and it is shown that in the Saratov region to implement such a capitalization problematic due to the high credit debt in the region. Results. In conclusion, it is concluded that much of the functioning of the «Triple Helix» depends on the activities of the regional public authorities, which must implement appropriate economic policies to increase the capitalization of the available material and educational resources in the Saratov region, to prevent the «brain drain» from the region, to create favorable conditions for the implementation of innovations most gifted students, the scientific community and innovative businesses |
Номер журнала 496 |