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Dorofeyeva L. I. ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОЦИАЛИЗАЦИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ В НОВОЙ МОДЕЛИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 413-?. DOI:

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Introduction. One of the modern trends in the development of management and organizational behavior are the focus on the human factor, the personality, as a key resource of the organization and the strengthening of social and humanistic management orientation. In connection with this organization, operating in an uncertain environment should solve problems hindering the efficient use of human resources and the creation of favorable conditions for the development and realization of the potential of every employee of the organization, resulting in an increase in the importance of social components of management: organizational culture, social justice for workers, management ethics, organizational socialization, social activity of the individual, the social responsibility of organizations. The article examines the place and role of socialization in human resource management system in the new model of organizational behavior. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of generalization of existing theoretical research on socialization in the article given the definition of organizational socialization, disclosed its immediate and ultimate goals are formulated functions are considered stages of socialization and the problem of deviant behavior of staff. Results. It was found that the effective socialization of the person in the new model of organizational behavior must form not only member of the organization, but also its citizen, a patriot who possessed not only the necessary knowledge, skills, roles, norms and rules of conduct, but also aware of their duties and responsibilities for the decision organizational problems and binds its further development and career with work in the organization.


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